Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weight Loss Marathon

Weight Loss Marathon

Losing weight and keeping it off is not a sprint but a marathon…  I know what your thinking, is the coach getting ready to tell me now I have to run a marathon to lose this un-wanted fat…  Relax…  My comment has nothing to do with becoming a marathon runner, but developing a marathon lifestyle…

We all know a marathon refers to a distance of twenty-six miles in a road race…  Even if you are not a runner you have become familiar with this term, because marathon events now take place all over the world…  But did you know where this concept originated?

Pull up a chair and let me share with you a history lesson I think you will find quite interesting…  More than twenty-five hundred years ago in the year 490 B.C. a famous battle took place between Persia a world power at the time and the small country state of Athens…  Persia was expanding its empire and imposing its will on weaker size countries to surrender or be conquered…  Greece at this time was an un-unified country made up of independent states, the two most powerful were Athens and Sparta…

The Athenians refuse to be conquered by the evil power Persians and a battle takes place twenty-six miles outside of Athens, in a place called Marathon…  During the battle of Marathon the out-numbered Athenian army defeat the Persians and stop the invasion of Athens… After the victory a messenger runner named Pheidippides is sent to Athens to reassure the Athenians the city has been saved…  Pheidippides must travel the twenty-six miles over very challenging terrain to bring the good news…  He makes the journey non-stop, quite a human feat and collapses and dies after delivering the victorious message…

So the legend of Marathon, over coming great odds and the human spirit empowering the human body to great feats of accomplishments had begun…  History has a way of repeating itself even to this day…  In America in the month of April 2013, evil once again tried to impose its will in the city of Boston during a marathon…  Once again the human spirit of man was tested, would it run from evil or stand up to it…   Good always over-comes evil and what was meant to terrify, united the people of Boston and around the world…  The marathon spirit of man did not run from the bombing, but ran into it…  Great feats of courage were witnessed and will go down in history…

So what does my story of Marathon have to do with the battle of losing weight?  Everything, you see an enemy has infiltrated our borders costing the lives of thousands of America citizens each year and bankrupting our great country…  As we unmask this villain its identity is obesity, and it will take the rising up of the human spirit to defeat it…

Most marathon runners will tell you winning the race was not their goal, but the challenge to complete the race is what inspired them…  The same is true in the race of losing weight and keeping it off…  To complete the race the challenge to develop a healthy lifestyle living within our hormonal design is essential…  A sprinters mentality will fall by the wayside…  It will take the endurance and persistence of the human spirit to over-come the trials of human nature to finish the race…  There are no magical foods or supplements to turn this marathon event into a sprint…  The magic is in the human spirit willingness to change… 

If you need to lose weight its time to learn from history and take control of destiny…  Put down the sprinters mentality of dieting, and challenge yourself to a marathon lifestyle of healthy nutrition and life-long healthy behavior… 

I challenge all who read my story of marathon to 12 weeks of eating the right foods, in portioned amounts at least four times per day…  There will be trials along the way of old behavior tempting you to give up or give in…  Learn from history as we face our enemy instead of running from it you will win the battle and never have to go on a diet again…

Monday, April 22, 2013

Generation Curse Being Overweight Broken

Generation Curse Being Overweight Broken

We have all heard the saying, “the apple does not fall far from the tree”, or “like mother, like daughter”…  The meaning implies the offspring of the parent will develop similar behavior patterns and character traits in the child…  Does this meaning hold true if the parent is overweight; the child will most likely be overweight as well?

Recent studies show if the mom is overweight, she is 10 times more likely to have an overweight daughter…  If the dad is overweight, he is 6 times more likely to have an overweight son…  The debate whether obesity in children and adolescents origin is genetic or behavioral seems to have been answered over the last twenty years…

Childhood and adolescent obesity in America has risen dramatically in the past two decades, but there has been no significant change in the genetic pool…  Studies support being overweight or obese is a learned behavior in those genetically prone…  In other words, DNA does not determine your destiny…  Genes are the ink, but the script is still written by patterns of behavior… 

I was born into the generational curse of being overweight…  At birth I weighed a colossal 15 lbs to an overweight mom, who throughout her lifetime would develop diabetes and die of a heart attack at the young age of only 67 years old…  However my mom’s fate would not genetically seal mine, and the curse was broken…  In fact my life has been used to break the generational curse in thousands of homes…

This is one recent amazing story of the curse being broken…  It is late on a Sunday afternoon and I am just finishing my workout, as I wipe my brow; there is a tap on my shoulder…  As I turn it is Jim, a former client I worked with 20 years ago…  He said, “I need your help”…  He looked great and he and his wife Linda have kept the weight off for almost two decades… So what help did he need if everything was going well?  The curse of being overweight had its grasp on his 14-year old grandson Devin…  Jim said, “I want to introduce you to my grandson, I know you can help him”…

In just three weeks of working together Devin went from 231 lbs to 212 lbs, but what was even more amazing his body fat percentage went from 38% to just 28%…  Devin’s muscle weight had gone up 10 lbs as his body fat went down 29 lbs…  The curse was broken, and in just three short weeks…

There is wisdom in the bible, which says; you will know the health of a tree by its fruit…  It says, every good tree produces good fruit (Matthew 7:17)…  Many times an overweight potential client comes thinking their weight condition is only physical (bad fruit), but the problem is behavioral the health of the tree…

So what is the health of your tree? If your overweight it is time to plant a new healthy tree, especially if you are a mom or dad…  Its true the apple does not fall far from the tree…  May the curse of being overweight be broken and may it begin in you…

Thursday, April 4, 2013

What Weight Loss Industry Does Not Want YOU To Know


Obesity in this country has little to do with over-eating or exercise, according to Charles Remington, “The Fat Loss Coach.”

During a recent television interview (, show host Stan Simpson started the program by asserting that in America, we are eating too much and working out too little. No news there, right?

But then he turned to Remington, his guest, who promptly refuted Simpson’s assertion.  “Most people I meet eat too little, and their weight problem has little to do with exercise,” Remington said.

He went on to cite an NBC Today show report in January that was “shocking” to him: the number of women reported who were following some type of diet were down from 34% in 1995, to only 21% today.

Had Americans over this period of time solved their great battle with weight? Well, unfortunately that statement could not be any further from the truth. So what did NBC report as the reason for the drop? The answer: a RELAXED attitude toward size. The commentary made it sound as if Americans were slowly giving up and just accepting getting larger.

So The Fat Loss Coach offered Simpson, the Fox host, a challenge. He said, “I will prove to you, as I have to thousands of clients, that I can solve your battle of the bulge. Follow my breakthrough Fat Loss concept for 12 weeks. You’ll lose 2-3 lbs of fat weekly, without losing muscle or being tired or hungry. You will NEVER have to go on a diet again.”

Simpson took the challenge and the 12-week Fat Loss challenge began…

And it worked!

After just 10 days, the Fox host invited Remington back on his show, because Stan had lost 6 lbs of fat, double what the coach had promised. Now Simpson and Remington challenged the audience to the 12-week Fat Loss challenge…

What is Remington’s “discovery?”

So what has Remington discovered, which the 40-50 billion dollar weight loss industry would not want you to know?

It’s not a diet, or a magical supplement, because “the magic is inside you,” he says. He will teach you a healthy new way to approach weight issues, a method which dramatically targets the un-wanted fat and fits it to your lifestyle, so you will never need or want to diet again.

Remington believes ending obesity is beyond the help of just a diet, or the solution is simply to lose weight.  He points out many Americans now live outside their hormonal design. Reducing calories alone is not enough and why most diets fail.

A customized plan that works “with” your body

Remington’s breakthrough concept custom fits his unique three-day “glyco-cycle” discovery, which stabilizes blood sugar and works within the body’s hormone design and not against it… The result you control turning off fat storing hormones and turning on fat burning ones.

Are you ready for the challenge? Remington has proven it to thousands one body at a time… There is NO BETTER body to prove it to next than yours

TV Host Agrees To 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge

During a recent interview on Fox network, the show host Stan Simpson started his program by saying in America we are eating too much and working out too little…  Okay, so what is the BIG news, excuse the pun, we have all heard those comments more than we care to remember regarding obesity?  The “BIG NEWS” was Charles Remington “The Fat Loss Coach’s” response, he said, “most people I meet eat too little, and their weight problem has little to do with exercise…  Stan’s response, “interesting”…

Remington went on to say, NBC Today show in January reported numbers, which were shocking to me…  They reported the number of women who were following some type of DIET were down from 34% in 1995, to only 21% today…  So had America over this period of time solved their great battle with weight?  Well, unfortunately that statement could not be any further from the truth…  So what did they say the reason for the drop?  Answer, a RELAXED attitude toward size…  The commentary made it sound like Americans were slowly giving up and just accepting getting larger…  

So The Fat Loss Coach offered the Fox host a challenge…  He said I, will prove to you as I have to thousands of clients I can solve your battle of the bulge…  Follow my breakthrough Fat Loss concept for twelve-weeks, you’ll lose 2-3 lbs of fat weekly, without losing muscle or being tired or hungry…  You will NEVER have to go on a diet again…  So Simpson took the challenge and the 12-week Fat Loss challenge began… 

After just ten days the Fox host invited Remington back on his show, because Stan had lost 6 lbs of fat, double what the coach had promised…  Now Simpson and Remington, challenged the audience to the 12-week Fat Loss challenge…

So what has Remington discovered, which the 40-50 billion dollar weight loss industry would not want you to know…  Not a diet, or a magical supplement, because the magic is inside you…  He will teach you a healthy lifestyle, which dramatically targets the un-wanted fat, and fits it to your lifestyle, so you will never need or want to diet again…  Remington believes ending obesity is beyond the help of just a diet, or the solution is simply to lose weight…  He point out many Americans now live outside their hormonal design…   Reducing calories alone is not enough and why most diets fail…   Remington’s breakthrough concept custom fits his unique three-day “glyco-cycle” discovery, which stabilizes blood sugar and works within the body’s hormone design and not against it…  The result you control turning off fat storing hormones and turning on fat burning ones.

Are you ready for the challenge?  Remington has proven it to thousands one body at a time…  There is NO BETTER body to prove it to next than yours…