TV Host Wins At 12-Week Fat Loss Challenge
It was 12 weeks ago when Fat Loss Coach Charles
Remington challenged Fox TV host Stan Simpson to a fat loss challenge as a
guest on Fox's Stan Simpson Show... Simpson was intrigued when interviewing the
nutritionist and former Mr Connecticut on his unique concept on weight loss,
and his bold claim his customized fat loss system could provide fat loss,
without the loss of lean muscle tissue for anyone…
Obesity is such a common media topic and Simpson
had several weight loss experts on his show before, but something about the Fat
Loss Coach's story seemed different... Remington was talking fat loss; not just
weight loss... The Coach claimed there were flaws in most weight loss
concepts... The drawbacks were lack of customization, muscle loss, limited
behavior modification, and the body's ability to adapt to calorie reduction
causing the weight loss to plateau... The other unusual part of the story was
the former bodybuilding champion, who still looks like he lives in the gym
saying, “Exercise would not be the main focus of the body
So the problem and the solution were coming
together; Stan needed weight loss and Charlie had the answer, which made sense
to the host... The 12- week challenge was now in place; and the
claims of The Fat Loss Coach program were now put to the test; and quite a test
it would be... The Coach knew going into the challenge the Host's current
lifestyle was not conducive for success; but also knew if he could prove it to
Stan, he was validating his concept to the media... The Coach knew his concept worked, because he had already proven
it to thousands, but now wanted to put it to the test on television…
At the start of the challenge Stan weighed 228
lbs at 32% body fat; which meant he had a lean weight of 155 lbs and 73 lbs of
body fat... The promised result of The Fat Loss Coach program was to provide a
5-8% drop in body fat; without losing any muscle or lean weight... This meant
the television host would need to lose a minimum of 1.3 lbs of fat loss each
week... Over the 12 weeks Stan ate four meals, which were perfectly portioned
to his body composition and activity... Each meal consisted of foods Stan
picked common from a local grocery store, which stabilized his blood sugar and
triggered a hormone response; shifting him from a catabolic to anabolic
balance... In simple terms Simpson's muscles were now being well fed, while he
was becoming leaner...
In theory with everything properly in place how
could The Fat Loss Coach program fail? Well even the best philosophies have to
do more than make sense in a book; they have to work in real life... During the
first week of the challenge, Stan reported to the Coach he was complying to the
requirements of the program an estimated 80%...
The Coach’s work was now cut out for him… Even though all the guesswork had been taken
out what to do, some of Simpson’s old eating behaviors started to surface… Remington recalled Stan would e-mail late at
night when he started to stray of the path the plan… Charlie would encourage the Host off the so-called ledge of
falling of the plan by saying, “your four hours away from doing it right”… One night after responding Remington, also a
healing minister turned to God… The
Coach said, “God the bible promises you never sleep or slumber; well there is
no sense in both of us staying up… I
place Stan in your hands… God must have
been listening …
The 12-week challenge flew by and it was now the
moment of truth… Stan needed to check
in, and see if he reached the goals set by the plan… Well even though he had conformed to the plan at best an
estimated 80%; he had surpassed the 12-week goal… Stan’s body fat had gone from 32% down to 25%, which meant he had
lost 19.4 lbs of fat averaging 1.6 lbs per week… During the 12 weeks Stan injured his knee and his regular workout
efforts stopped for 2 weeks… However
over the 12 weeks Stan’s lean or muscle weight had gone up by 5.6 lbs… Stan Simpson had won the 12-week Fat Loss
Challenge; his body-fat had dropped 7%, and forget losing muscle, his increased
even while injured…
Well timing is everything and on Tuesday 6/18/13
one day before the Fox taping of Simpson’s results, the America Medical
Association makes a historical change in its classification of obesity… The AMA was now classifying obesity as a disease, which meant in
the view of the AMA if you are obese you are sick… Obesity standards differ, but the most accepted standards for men
are a BMI of higher than 30, or a body-fat percentage above 25%…