The Fat Loss Coach like most of you had day off on the fourth of July…Time to sit back and relax…I turned on television to enjoy sporting event of the day…No it was not my favorite team doing battle on baseball diamond, but it was a stadium filled with crazed fans…So what was the “BIG” event, disturbing to my eyes and painful to the Coach’s heart; the National Hot Dog eating contest…
When I'm asked in interviews, "What causes America's weight problem?"... I usually respond with the American Lifestyle is outside the hormone design of American's... So what was one of the major sports events on our counties Independence Day? Hot dog eating championship... No, not at your local picnic, but on national broadcast TV, (ESPN)... Oh, all my friends at ESPN, and you still are my friends... We even have experts to give play by play, or better dog by dog breakdown of the event... We now have gluttony as a sporting event... Have we become so blind by our unhealthy lifestyle, it has now caused us to cheer, and make hero’s out of poor quality of life…
Well I could not get back to work fast enough to share my message… Oh it is my prayer this message will get equal time on ESPN... Its time for all of us to say, I am free from being over weight, and free from all the hurt and pain it causes...