Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weight Loss Buddies

Weight Loss Buddies

This is an amazing story I want to share… Rose and Joanne traveled 125 miles 12 weeks ago to visit The Fat Loss Coach… Both in their 50’s they agreed they would give weight loss one last try… Well these buddies have accomplished something truly amazing… They did more than beat the 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge, they destroyed it… Rose lost 35lb. of fat and Joanne 34 lb. of fat… They had 7 visits with the Coach over 12 weeks and each time traveled the 125 miles… Both clapped and cheered for each other on every visit as the Coach reported their results… I was truly blessed to have been a part of it…

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yes We Can

Yes We Can !!!

  Before I workout I pray for God's strength and protection, but most of all His companionship.... It was late afternoon and getting to end of my workout.... My body was telling me to stop, but the voice inside began to talk while I was wiping my brow.... It made my eyes look over at a man quietly working out, then as my eyes looked down I saw the man had artificial legs both of them... Electricity or fire rushed through by body and it felt like I could lift the building... His name is Paul and God sure used him to talk to me... We are ALL meant to be over-comers.... No matter what the trial, if we ask for God's help and not give up the victory will be our's... Turn your trial into a triump... I thank God for my new friend Paul....
Well since that day I met Paul no matter where I turn there he is;  the parking lot, bathroom and at all different times of the day in the gym...  The last time we talked I assked Paul what he did and his response trully amazed me...  Paul is a coach and like no other I have met...  His message of never give up or never give in speaks loadly; without him saying a word...  The next time your situation tries to tell you to stop; may the story of Paul having you saying of yes I

No Place Like It

No Place Like It…


It is amazing the beauty that God has created…  No matter how man tries nothing compares to what the hands of the Master created…  I am so blessed all the beauty is shared by my friends…  So let the Coach share with you a place I visited today…  No road map will take you there and your AAA card is of little use: even the eagles do not soar this high…


I closed my eyes and there I was on top of the mountain…  Up here all you breath is peace and the light fills you with joy…  All the trials and challenges of the day disappear and up here you are in need of nothing…  All my aches and pains leave me and walking on water is the treadmill of the day…


Oh what I have heard on my time on the mountain…  The whisper I heard today is what I want to share…  I have heard it before, but not with my human ear…  As I heard it today it took away all my cares…


So gentle a sound, “Do not forfeit your opportunity to draw near to Me, in your effort to serve Me; for I AM in need of nothing…  All I desire is your love…  As your life is filled with the fullness of my life; you also will be in need of nothing”…


How foolish for me to think, I can do something for God…  The Master is always willing to do something in me, with me and through me…  It is my greatest desire; whatever His plan is, may He do it in you…


God bless,