During my time in prayer this morning I felt the Lord ask me to do something today I had never done before... My plans for the day were pretty simple to work out and relax on my rare day off... I had planned a very simple workout today of just doing Ab's and some cardio, but God's plan was much bigger... So as I'm driving to the club I tell the Lord I am going to do 2014 reps of abdominal exercises and I would need His help... It was more than just a large number, but doing the same weight and exercises I normally do... To accomplish my task I would have to do 40 sets of 50 reps of each exercise... This would be a Herculean task, but I was not asking Hercules for help, I was asking God...
I start my workout at Physique at 11:00 a.m. and by 12:00 a.m. the club was getting ready to close, but I had only done 700 reps... This would be a wonderful excuse not to finish my task, I had already done 100's more than what I usually do, but the voice on the inside kept saying You can do this... So I drive down the street to our sister club Fitness Express to finish my task... After about 1200 reps my abdominal muscles started to cramp, but once again the inner voice became louder saying now WE can do this... It was now 1:45 and I was just a few reps away from the goal, and the last 14 I spoke out each rep so loudly everyone could hear me not just in the club, but probably all over town...
What do you want to accomplish in 2014 concerning health and fitness, which you have never done before? Father God I offer you my simple prayer for each one of my followers as they lift their faith to you Father and trust you to accomplish something they had never done before, you will show yourself Father great and mighty on their behalf...
Please feel free to share your goal with me and I will join my faith with yours, God will take what looks impossible in your ability and with His help make it possible... God bless all in 2014... Coach