It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce, which counts in reaching goals… Over the last two decades I have been asked hundreds of times, “What makes people successful in reaching their weight loss goals”? The answer has many factors to consider, but one, which stands out is how they deal with mistakes…
Mistakes either convict us or condemn, we choose which path they take… When we are committed to a belief, or in this case an eating lifestyle, the voice that directs us is our conscience… The conscience guides us to doing what’s right and warns us when we are tempted to do what we now believe to be wrong… In moments of weakness when we choose wrong, we are confronted with guilt… Is guilt a good thing or a bad thing? Again, this is a choice, and what separates the winners from the losers… The winners see guilt as a good thing, and it guides them back on the narrow path of doing what they believe is right…
In my weight loss concept, I teach my clients to stay in a normal blood sugar zone every four hours… This controls their hormonal response to their meal, and during those four hours, their muscles are well fed and their bodies stay lean… So what happens if we leave the zone? The simple answer is, return back to the zone in the next four hours… It reminds me of a former client, who brought me in a bumper sticker she made which said, “I am ALWAYS FOUR HOUR AWAY FROM DOING WHAT”S RIGHT”… She was a winner at losing…