With the end of the year looming and New Year’s Resolutions around the corner, we thought we would give you a head start on 2012 goals. Our mission is to make America healthier and offer these 10 ways to change your health today:
1. We are here for you! If you are not near our locations, please call us and find out how we can help you be healthier with a personalized plan.
2. Eat breakfast. Your mom was right and breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It sets your metabolism for the rest of the day.
3. Don’t skip meals. Your body enters starvation mode when it isn’t being fed. You will store fat no matter how active you are. Eating within an hour of waking also increases metabolism.
4. Snacks are good….if they are healthy snacks. Fruit or vegetable and protein are always a healthy choice.
5. Put your walking shoes on and go for a walk. Even if you start by walking to the mailbox, you have started the path to healthy living. Take one step at a time and you will see results.
6. Healthy and easy to prepare recipes are important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you aren’t satiated then you’re more likely to over eat the wrong foods.
7. Stop eating at least three hours before bedtime so food has time to digest.
8. Accountability is important. Write down what you eat and have someone you can confide in on good…and bad days. Grab a neighbor and go for a walk instead of choosing an unhealthy option.
9. You are what you eat. It’s not just a turn of phrase, it is true. Science is providing evidence of diseases caused by obesity such as fatty liver disease. When you eat a lot of fat you become fat.
10. It’s in the numbers. To decrease the number on the scale the energy in must be less than the energy out.
Grab your water, lace up your shoes and go for a walk. It’s your first step to a healthier you!