Thursday, October 20, 2011

5 Diseases Associated with Obesity

America, we’re fat and getting fatter by the hour! The Fat Loss Coach and his team have a lot of people to reach before our mission to have a fat free America is complete. If you think “you are what you eat” isn’t a true statement you’re dead wrong. Excessive fat storage causes and is underlying to a host of diseases. Here are five diseases associated with obesity:

1.     Heart enlargement: Increasing body mass as occurs in obese patients means the heart is pumping blood to more areas of the body. As a result of working harder the heart becomes enlarged.   

2.     Diabetes: This condition is caused when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. It often occurs when excessive fat accumulates in the body making cells resistant to insulin. In some cases diabetes can be eliminated with proper diet and exercise. The Fat Loss Coach has helped more than 800 diabetes patients beat the condition.

3.     Fatty liver disease: This condition occurs when fat develops in the cells of the liver and is irreversible.
4.     Depression: When we are active our body produces proper amounts of chemicals that keep us happy and also well-rested. They are called serotonin and melatonin. When these chemicals are out of balance patients experience changes to appetite, depression and insomnia among other symptoms. Having the proper diet and exercise program will help the body produce proper amounts of these important chemicals.

5.     Lymph Edema: Commonly associated with cancer patients who have had lymph nodes removed, this disease causes the body to swell. In obese patients this is cause by fat stifling the function of the lymph nodes effectively shutting them down.

If you have any or all of these please call us! We are here to help you learn to live a healthy lifestyle by choosing the right foods and activities. 

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