Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Road Back to Losing Weight

After twenty years of seeing an average of twenty patients each day, I am still amazed how easy it is to lose your way on your weight loss journey…  Even if the client has received monumental changes in fat loss, and improvement in health…  A small percentage of them, slowly go back to old eating behaviors, and with it comes back the unwanted fat, along with related health concerns…

So what is the cause, why does weight loss success suddenly turn into defeat for some?  I’m sure volumes could be written on the subject…  I have found myself writing much about this topic as well…  To put it simply, I think it could be explained as losing their way…  What starts out as a holistic approach, a committed heart, a desired will and a disciplined physical routine, slowly turns into all physical…  When no longer guided by the heart, the weakness of the flesh returns them to a less disciplined lifestyle…

Its now spring of the year 2012, and one out of every three phone inquiries, is from someone I have already helped…  The call usually sounds something like this, “Charlie, I need to come back, your program is the only one, which really worked for me”…  Yesterday alone I had four calls from former clients…  Today while in the gym training chest, words of inspiration I had written some time ago started to come forth from the depths of my heart…  What’s so special about these words as I wrote them, they appeared to form a song… I have never written as song before…  So I know they were divinely inspired

If you feel you have somehow lost your way, and want to recommit to a healthier lifestyle, let these words guide your heart

I'm on my way back... I'm back on track... Nothing going to keep me down... I'm coming way back... I'm passing the pack... Those that counted me out will speak no more...

I'm on the fast track... I can't look back... This time it’s for sure... When I fell I didn't stay down... I broke through chains that tried to hold me bound... Its not how far you fall down, but how high you bounce back.... That determines who you are....

I'll never give up... It’s not my style... I'm meant to grow through... What I had to go through... Now its time for me to shine...

I never gave in... Sometimes I had to take it on the chin... But only for a while... When the pain came... I knew it would make me gain... Now its time for me to win....

So when you feel down... Don't wear a frown... Don't go by what you see... The feeling won't last... It meant to pass, your right where you should be...

Remember hold on... The pain will be gone... You'll be better than before... It works every time... You are going to be fine... You are the head and never the tail...   http://www.thefatlosscoach.com

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