Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Does Right Feel Wrong During Weight Loss?

I know what you might be thinking…  Did the Coach leave the car running in the garage too long today?  Did he just say does right feel wrong during weight loss?
Well I did say it, and here’s why…  So many times when I teach a new client the proper weight loss techniques of eating right foods, right portions, at least four meals per day, a common response during the first week is, feels like its not working…  When in fact most lose at least two to three pounds of fat in first few days…  When I find out how they’re feeling they tell me, I feel full, feels like too much food, eating when not feeling hungry…  All the feelings they never had when losing weight in the past…  So even though they have been taught properly, right feels wrong to them…
Image for a moment if I were a tennis coach, and not The Fat Loss Coach…  I happen to come on the scene at the tennis courts and watch you hit an ugly backhand…  As I instruct you how to hold the racquet in a slightly different position, the right grip feels wrong in your hand…  Why?  Because you have become comfortable with holding it wrong…
The same is true if you need to lose weight, your wrong eating habits feel right to you…  Sounds strange doesn’t it, wrong feels right and you have become comfortable with wrong…  If your serious about weight loss, its time to change…  Not just the foods you eat, but also acquire what it feels like to do it right…
Now I not going to change the way you are holding your fork, just adjust what your fork is attached to…  I will even take all the guesswork out of what to eat…  Like any good coach, I am going to encourage you to practice, practice and more practice, because practice makes? PERMANENT…  Got you…  Its perfect practice, which allows you to receive the perfect result, the body you always hoped for…  So what will we practice?  Going by what we believe and not how we feel…
Here what it sounds like, each of my four meals makes me lean by controlling my blood sugar…  Each portioned meal feeds my muscle and causes me to lose fat… Each quality food I eat, repairs my cells, provides stable energy and keeps me hormonally healthy…
Does it sound like what you were saying the last time you went on a diet? Probably not and that’s a big part of why it didn’t work, you went back to old habits or using my analogy, holding the racquet wrong…
Now I’m not your tennis coach, but my reputation as The Fat Loss Coach speaks for itself…  I have helped thousands reach their ideal weight…  You’ll look and feel your great, and best of all finally right will feel right…



Friday, December 7, 2012

Never Give Up


Last night I had a dream... In my dream I went down to the well and put my bucket in to retrieve water... On my journey back the water escaped because the bucket had become old and I was sad... The next day I awoke early and grabbed the same bucket, which seemed to make no sense, knowing the water would escape... But I felt the Lord say look inside the bucket... When I look...
ed inside the bucket had been lined with gold... When I went to retrieve water it worked like new and I was very happy... Then I felt the Lord say He was pleased I didn't look for a new bucket... He said it would have been new, but it would have no gold...

We are the bucket or vessel and the Lord is the living water inside us... Many times we grow weary and our dream seems like it can hold no water, it has grown old and appears on the outside, like it will never come true... Well my friends, never give up, because God is always at work on the inside, and by His grace, what looks old and full of holes, will become new again in Him...

Is Under-Eating Making You Fat?

Is Under-Eating Making You Fat?

I know is sounds strange to your ear… How could this be? Well this man’s email to me today is proof of what I have been teaching for YEARS…

Dear Charlie,

Please feel free to post the following on your page…

"As with most things I do, I researched all different ways to lose weight. I spent several weeks reviewing your website and the information that you speak about. I realized that the Fat Loss Coach was the answer, especially that your plan is not a diet which requires you to drink powders, shakes, etc. but taught me a new way of life by eating good nutritious food that I buy
at my local grocery store.
I was definetely one that would not eat for many hours as my job often requires me to work in excess of 24 hours stretches. Little did I know that my problem was that I was not eating enough. I have been reformed and now eat more food than I ever did every four hours.
I went from 196 lbs. to 178 lbs. in 12 short weeks and my body fat went from 31% to 22.9% and I gained muscle. As I am fast approaching my 50th birthday I want to thank you Charlie for giving me the foundation that will help to keep me healthy. JT"