Friday, December 7, 2012

Is Under-Eating Making You Fat?

Is Under-Eating Making You Fat?

I know is sounds strange to your ear… How could this be? Well this man’s email to me today is proof of what I have been teaching for YEARS…

Dear Charlie,

Please feel free to post the following on your page…

"As with most things I do, I researched all different ways to lose weight. I spent several weeks reviewing your website and the information that you speak about. I realized that the Fat Loss Coach was the answer, especially that your plan is not a diet which requires you to drink powders, shakes, etc. but taught me a new way of life by eating good nutritious food that I buy
at my local grocery store.
I was definetely one that would not eat for many hours as my job often requires me to work in excess of 24 hours stretches. Little did I know that my problem was that I was not eating enough. I have been reformed and now eat more food than I ever did every four hours.
I went from 196 lbs. to 178 lbs. in 12 short weeks and my body fat went from 31% to 22.9% and I gained muscle. As I am fast approaching my 50th birthday I want to thank you Charlie for giving me the foundation that will help to keep me healthy. JT"

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