Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eight Things You Need to Know Before Beginning the Fat Loss Coach Program

Wake up, America! We’re eating ourselves into obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and even death. Our children are being diagnosed diabetic at early ages and at an alarming rate. The Fat Loss Coach is here to tell you there is a better way. We are here to support you on your journey and to teach you how to turn your fat storing body into a fat burning machine.  

Here are eight things you need to know before beginning our program:  

1. We’re eating ourselves to death: Americans are spending $34 billion per year on diets and 2/3 of us are still overweight, obese and morbidly obese.

2. Lifestyle: Weight loss isn’t an annual New Year’s Resolution. It is a choice to live a healthier life that starts by changing your mindset. We teach you how to eat what YOUR body needs to reach optimum performance.   

3. Focus: Our focus is on YOU maintaining healthy lean mass and losing unhealthy fat stores. We want your focus to be on YOU creating a healthy lifestyle.

4. Key to success is learning the proper way to feed your body. Many of us are under-eating which means our bodies are not getting balanced nutrition and our metabolism is slow. 

5. Muscle loss reduces metabolism creating the plateaus of fitness and weight loss that we have all experiences.

6. Finish what you start: We promise to be with you every step of the way. We want you to promise you will maintain a healthy lifestyle using the tools and techniques we teach you about healthy eating.

7. Glyco-Cycle: Through our Fat Loss Coach Glyco-Cycle three day eating plan we change your body from fat storage to fat burning without losing lean muscle.

8. Most fail on traditional diets because we’re limiting what we can eat. We teach you how to adjust what and when you eat to create a fat burning machine called YOU. We have client testimonials and the support of doctors across New England to illustrate how and why our program works. We look forward to helping you create a healthy lifestyle!

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