Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Going On Diet Is Like Eating Kryptonite

Did the Fat Loss Coach finally gone over the edge, when he recently made this statement at a seminar?  Remington said, “Going on a diet to lose weight is like eating Kryptonite…   Now most of us know Kryptonite was the substance from Superman’s home planet Krypton, which is famous for being the ultimate physical weakness of Superman…  When exposed to Kryptonite, it robbed the super hero of strength, energy and all of his super powers, and would eventually lead to his demise…

So what does Kryptonite and dieting have in common?  The way they both make us feel…  Over the last two decades when I have interviewed thousands of individuals needing to lose weight, and we go over their past diet experiences, they all say the same thing… They don’t look forward to losing weight, and look to avoid having too…  Why you ask?  Because of the way they felt on the diet…  Most reported a loss of energy, increase in hunger, mood shifts, drops in metabolism and loss of muscle tissue…  Maybe this is why the first three letter in diet spell die…  When it came to the diet foods they had to eat, many would probably have chosen the radio- active substance kryptonite instead…

So if its time for you to lose weight, be a real super-hero…  Learn to eat the right foods, in the right amounts, at least four times per day…  This will manage your blood sugar levels and your hormonal response…  You’ll lose the unwanted fat, without losing muscle, your energy will be stable and hunger and moods swings will disappear…  Learning a healthy nutrition lifestyle, won’t have you leaping tall buildings in a single bound…  You’ll just look and feel like you could…  Http://www.thefatlosscoach.com

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