Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apple A Day Weight Loss

Apple A Day Weight Loss

Growing up my old world Italian mom would say, “ A apple a day keeps the doctor away”…  Your mom maybe was saying it too…  Well my mom was right throughout my life there have been very few doctor visits, and I have eaten what seems like an orchard of apples…  So what did our mom’s know about the health benefits of apples, especially when losing weight?

When meeting new clients, I always emphasize the big picture of healthy lifestyle instead of dieting to lose the un-wanted fat and keep it off…  Apples should be a major player as you focus in your picture of ideal health and weight…

I’ll take you on a journey of the apple’s role in your body on route being leaner and healthier…  First, lets start in the stomach apples, along with other fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods and help balance our PH, or acid, alkaline balance…  Many who are over-weight have dietary habits too high in acid foods coming from animal protein and processed grains…  Over time this leads to acid stomach conditions, like reflux and certain cancers, which thrive in acid environments…

As the partially digested apple moves into the small intestine pectin a soluble fiber in apples becomes a healthy sponge absorbing digestive bile, which will result in the lowering of cholesterol levels and help maintain a healthy gallbladder…  As it moves into the large intestine it assists in forming a healthy stool, preventing conditions like diverticulosis or pockets in the intestines, which can become infected leading to a more serious condition of diverticulitis…

As the nutrients from the apple enter the blood system they provide a beneficial role in the pancreas function…  First the glucose from the apple being low glycemic causes a slow gradual rise in blood sugar, which triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin sending glucose to muscle, liver, brain and providing stable cellular energy…  This stable insulin response, prevents fat storage and keeps cell membranes from becoming insulin resistance, which leads to type II diabetes…  Second, apples are packed with antioxidant, photo-nutrients called flavonoids, which keep free radical destruction of cells, leading to cancer…  Pancreatic cancer is still one of the least treatable forms of cancer, so lifestyle, which prevents, is far better than treatments, which repair…

Lastly apples play a role in healthy heart and brain function…  Pectin the soluble fiber in apples improves blood flow by reducing cholesterol which reduces plaque buildup and inflammation in artery walls …   This can greatly reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke… Quercetin a flavonoid found in apples prevent free radicals from damaging the outer lining of brain cells, which leads to cognitive decline as in Alzheimer’s disease…

Will eating an apple a day by itself solve your overweight-condition? Are apples the sole solution in maintaining good health?  It would be foolish to think it would…  However as part of a healthy lifestyle incorporating frequency of meals, portioned amounts and quality of foods, nothing is more foundational than an apple to manage blood sugar and hormonal responses leading to a leaner healthier body…  So my mom was right, an apple a day has kept the doctor and added weight away…  


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