Saturday, March 16, 2013

Herculean Weight Loss

Herculean Weight Loss


As a young boy I had a strong fascination for Greek mythology…  Ancient history was one of my favorite subjects in school…  Of all the legends or myths, the one I most identified with were the adventures of Hercules…  Those of you who know Greek mythology are aware; Hercules was the son of Zeus and was half man, half god…  I must have watched every one of Hollywood’s reenactments of Hercules staring Steve Reeves more times than I can even remember…


This strong interest in Hercules, would place my feet on the journey of developing my strong physical body, but more importantly my knowledge of how the human body responds to nutrition and exercise…  The passion for this knowledge would have me spending countless hours of research and endless hours in the gym, long after every-one else had left…


Though the history of what I accomplished with my body is not ancient, the basement full of trophies and titles are a distant memory and the dust they collect make them appear as if they were a part of the Greek ruins…  However the passion for the knowledge and more importantly desire to share the knowledge burns brighter than ever…


Throughout my life I have had several wonderful dog companions… I usually gave them Greek names; one was called Thea and of course another called Hercules…  During the trials and tribulations of life I never heard from Zeus and Hercules never showed up in my time of need…  Why, because they never really existed, which is why we call them myths…  However the real creator God would speak to me, and his son Jesus showed up every time I called upon his name…


On one occasion my dog Hercules had lost his life through circumstances outside of my control…  I was very sad and as I spoke to God I expressed my sadness saying, “I miss my Hercules”…  God’s response back would change my life…  He said, “Hercules was not your dog”…  I was puzzled, I responded, “Whose dog was he”…  He answered, “ Hercules was mine, I allowed you to have him”…  Now came the life changing part, God asked did you take care of Hercules like he belonged to you or me”?  Well my answer quickly changed my focus…  I now have two dogs and they no longer receive Greek names, they have biblical names Shiloh and Cyrus…  Why? They do not belong to me, but to God and he allows me the privilege to take care of them for him…  I have never loved dogs more or enjoyed their companionship more…


So what does my story of Hercules have to do with helping clients lose weight?  To better explain the fire, which burns so brightly inside me and seems as I age to burn even hotter…  The words I shared with you were not audible and Hollywood will never

create them into an epic movie… It’s the voice within my spirit, because that is where I believe the Spirit of God dwells…  If Hercules did not belong to me, then the body I live in does not as well, it belongs to God…  He has allowed me to enjoy decades of wonderful health and I intend to take care of this body as if the king owned it…

Now I ask you this question?  Have you been taking care of your weight and health like it belongs to you or God…  Get really quiet and still when you ask, and I believe you will hear something as well…

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