Friday, December 27, 2013

You Are A Bestseller


Last week I was the featured guest on the radio show “Life’s Dash” with Denise Matti…  After the show the radio host contacted me and said she was so inspired by my message she invited me to be on her show again in January…  She commented many of my concepts sounded unique to her and she wondered why I do not have a New York Times best selling book…

She was surprised at my response; I told her in Connecticut alone I have 15,000 best sellers…  Each book I write is written to the person receiving it, and I believe all of them are worthy of a bestseller…

Let me introduce you to today’s bestseller; his name is Gil and his story is truly remarkable…  Gil at one point in his life weighed 425 lb. and had battle his weight most of his adult life…  Well I’m happy to report Gil has lost 185 lb. and now weighs 240 lb….  Gil’s story is so special, because he has been seeing me every 3 weeks for the last 17 years…  Gil is 70 years old and for the past 16 years he has kept the weight off…  Everyone’s story is worthy of being a bestseller, just ask Gil…

Dare To Believe

Dare To Believe

Yesterday I posted a story about my leg workout… Well in the same post someone accuses it as being a fraud, but more hurtful was God has nothing to do with it… Those of you who know the Coach knows yesterdays training was... not a publicity stunt, in fact there was nothing special it was the Coach’s typical leg training workout; and it has been going on for many years and thousands have witnessed it…

What most do not know is how God has everything to do with it and the miracle behind it… Another fact most of you do not know is the Coach has a damaged left leg… I have written about it in “Miracle At The Crossroads”… My point is to be messenger EVERYTHING is possible if you put your trust in God and believe…

What looks impossible to you? Maybe it has looked that way for quite some time… Sometimes what looks to you, as the worst time is really the best time for God to work His miracle in you…

What Is Your Percent Of Body Fat?

What Is Your Percent Of Body Fat?

Having interviewed thousands of clients one of the determining factors in how I will go about helping them is their weight and body fat percentage…  Very few clients are surprised when finding out their weight, most know before stepping on the scale within a few pounds…  However when it comes to their percent of fat it is like America’s best kept secret… 

I believe until this becomes the standards for measuring success the weight loss industry will continue to fall short at solving America’s battle with obesity and weight related health conditions…

The Fat Loss Coach recommendations for body fat percentages for females and males are:

Females:  Ages 20-29 / 17%-22%, Ages 29-39 / 22%-26%, Ages 39-50 / 26% -29%

Ages 50-Plus 29%-33%

Males:   Ages 20-29 / 7%-15%, Ages 29-39 / 15%-18%, Ages 39-50 / 18%-20%

Ages 50-Plus 21%-23%

Today I want to share the good news of a client who has used my concept for 12 years…  His name is Mark and his body fat percentage is an amazing 11% body fat…  This is the body fat percentage of someone 30 years younger than Mark…

As we were taking pictures someone watching asked how old are those guys?  Mark and the Coach laughed, because it is our percentage of body fat and not our age which determine how we look or feel…  How about you, what is your percentage of body fat?

Just What The Doctor Ordered

Just What The Doctor Ordered

Over the years how many times have you heard the phase, “just what the doctor ordered”?  If you’re like me more than you might care to remember…  To me the phase implies professional seal of approval, and it should our doctor’s are highly trained and warrant out trust…

Why then would over 100 physicians seek out the help of the Fat Loss Coach when it comes to the battle of losing fat, without losing muscle and improving hormone and metabolic response?  One doctor’s comment to me best describes the reason…  He said, “I received more training on treating malaria than obesity”…  Over a lengthy career he had not one case of malaria, while 60% of his patients were over-weight…

Today let me introduce you to a physician named Deborah who just completed the 12 Week Fat Loss challenge and her success was just “what the Fat Loss Coach ordered”…   Deborah lost 24% of her fat going from 32% to 24.6%, which is 1.4% lower than ideal for a woman her age, while increasing 2 lb. of muscle…

When I meet a new client one of their questions is, what results should I expect by following your customized concept?  The promised result is to target the un-wanted fat, while protecting over their lean muscle tissue…  A high percentage of my clients increase in muscle while dramatically reducing the fat…  Deborah is a great example even at a body weight of only 120 lb…

Isn’t time you receive “just what The Fat Loss Coach order for results…  The change will impress your physician, just ask Doctor Deborah…

Time To Get Serious About Body Fat Results

Time To Get Serious About Body Fat RESULTS
It was about 18 weeks ago and I received a phone call from Barbara that went like this; “Coach I have a bad back, a torn knee and I am at least 40 lb. over-weight can you help me”?  My response, “Sounds like you’re in a great place to be helped”…  Many times in fact too many times when our circumstances look bad we do not see we are in the right place at the right time for change… 

I explained to Barbara her injuries put her in a place to no longer rely on several hours of exercise correcting the hundreds of hours her body hormonally responded to poor eating habits…  The good news I brought to her bad situation was by eating right foods, right amounts and properly timed Barbara’s hormones and metabolism would now go to work for her, instead of against her…

Well I am happy to report Barbara has lost 37 lb. of fat, while increasing 6 lb. of muscle with very limited exercise of only 2 hours per week…  She still has a bad back and is scheduled for surgery, but her serious change in body fat is amazing…  Is it time for you to get serious about losing your body fat?  Learn to activate the fat burning hormones and let your metabolism work for you, your results will be amazing too just ask Barbara…

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Best Exercise Machine


Over the years I believe one of the major roles of The Fat Loss Coach has been to teach my clients the role exercise plays in reaching their ideal body composition…  When I create a program I customize the nutrition meal plan based on body fat percentage, activity level, exercise schedule, food preferences and any medical condition, which might exist…  Most of the time new clients have too much emphasis placed on exercise and not enough on hormone responses to foods habits…  They are quickly taught hours of exercise can not compare with over 100 hours of hormone responses to blood sugar based on quality, amount and timing of foods consumed…  In the simplest of terms, “you can not outrun a bad diet”…

Once the program has been created my primary role then becomes coaching this new knowledge into a spirit, mind and body lifestyle…  The meal plan goes from something my client is physically doing into someone they are becoming…  Many of my coaching sessions are spiritually influenced, sometimes the message is so simple, but always profound…

One night a few month’s ago in prayer the Lord said to me, “Those with a humble spirit will receive the maximum of my Grace”…  Most times there will be some type of confirmation in what I just heard…  The next morning one of my friends who posts regularly about dog rescue posts his story of the day…  Being a dog lover I read most of the stories, and this days was quite special…  It was the story of an abandoned dog in Texas, he is from a town named Humble and the dog’s name is Max…  Could the confirmation be any more special the dog is a Sheppard…

So what does this have to do with weight loss and exercise, for one man named Kevin everything… Kevin is a client who I have seen for a long time, but still has not reached his goal…  I never give up on a client, because God has never given up on me, no matter how many mistakes I have made…  Kevin has struggled with having the nutrition and exercise in place at the same time…  Unlike most clients he struggles with the commitment to exercise…  He is my late appointment of the same day mentioned above when Kevin says, “Coach check out my new exercise machine I finally took your advice”…  As Kevin reaches for his phone to show me, I start to image is it a treadmill, bowflex, I had forgot what advice I had given him…  When He shows me the picture it is a German Sheppard and I almost fell on the floor…

I tell Kevin what I had heard and the confirmation of the story of Max from Humble Texas...  Kevin is not all that spiritual, but he left totally inspired his new dog he named Charger was going to become the exercise partner he so needed…

Well I’m happy to report Kevin has lost 25 lb now in months compared to the many years we have worked today…  Whatever you’re need is come to God with a humble spirit asking for His help and receive the Maximum of His Grace, just ask Kevin…