Over the years I believe one of the major roles of The Fat
Loss Coach has been to teach my clients the role exercise plays in reaching
their ideal body composition…
When I
create a program I customize the nutrition meal plan based on body fat
percentage, activity level, exercise schedule, food preferences and any medical
condition, which might exist…
Most of
the time new clients have too much emphasis placed on exercise and not enough
on hormone responses to foods habits…
They are quickly taught hours of exercise can not compare with over 100
hours of hormone responses to blood sugar based on quality, amount and timing
of foods consumed…
In the simplest of
terms, “you can not outrun a bad diet”…
Once the program has been created my primary role then
becomes coaching this new knowledge into a spirit, mind and body
The meal plan goes from
something my client is physically doing into someone they are becoming…
Many of my coaching sessions are spiritually
influenced, sometimes the message is so simple, but always profound…
One night a few month’s ago in prayer the Lord said to me,
“Those with a humble spirit will receive the maximum of my Grace”…
Most times there will be some type of
confirmation in what I just heard…
next morning one of my friends who posts regularly about dog rescue posts his
story of the day…
Being a dog lover I
read most of the stories, and this days was quite special…
It was the story of an abandoned dog in
Texas, he is from a town named Humble and the dog’s name is Max…
Could the confirmation be any more special
the dog is a Sheppard…
So what does this have to do with weight loss and exercise,
for one man named Kevin everything… Kevin is a client who I have seen for a
long time, but still has not reached his goal…
I never give up on a client, because God has never given up on me, no
matter how many mistakes I have made…
Kevin has struggled with having the nutrition and exercise in place at
the same time…
Unlike most clients he
struggles with the commitment to exercise…
He is my late appointment of the same day mentioned above when Kevin
says, “Coach check out my new exercise machine I finally took your
As Kevin reaches for his phone
to show me, I start to image is it a treadmill, bowflex, I had forgot what
advice I had given him…
When He shows
me the picture it is a German Sheppard and I almost fell on the floor…
I tell Kevin what I had heard and the confirmation of the
story of Max from Humble Texas...
is not all that spiritual, but he left totally inspired his new dog he named
Charger was going to become the exercise partner he so needed…
Well I’m happy to report Kevin has lost 25 lb now in
months compared to the many years we have worked today… Whatever you’re need is come to God with a
humble spirit asking for His help and receive the Maximum of His Grace, just
ask Kevin…