Monday, August 25, 2014

Its Not What Your Eating Its What's Eating You

Its Not What Your Eating Its What’s Eating You

I will never forget the meeting I once had with a client I was counseling and each time I offered words of wisdom she responded with what was bothering her…  This went on for several minutes and in one ear I could hear her problem and in the other ear I could hear the Lord speaking to me; so what was the Lord saying?  He said, “her problem is not what’s going in her mouth, it’s what’s coming out of her mouth…  “The heaviness on her body is coming from the heaviness stored in her soul…”

Its time for a fast; no not a fast from right foods, right amounts and at right times…  Its time for a soul fast and a soul cleanse…  When we hold onto hurt, disappointment, un-forgiveness or any type of violation to our soul a poison will spread to our mind and eventually our body…

The Coach is asking ALL his warriors TODAY to take the time today for a soul fast, and watch how FAST the Lord will respond…  God says, “cast ALL your cares on me for I care for you…  God bless…  Coach

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