Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Behavior Modification for Weight Loss

Weight management isn't something you simply try to do, it is a lifestyle you develop as you become a healthier person. New eating habits must develop and mature into a way of life. Numerous studies show the highest success rate of individuals who lose weight and keep it off participates in behavior modification. The question becomes, what type of behavior modification works best?

In a study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers lead by Rena Wing PhD., tracked 314 participants who had lost at least 10% of their body weight in two years. The participants were broken into three equal groups; one group received one on one counsel, the second on-line counseling, and the third, no counseling, but received a news letter on behavior modification. After 18 months of observation the results were reported. In the first group who had received in person counseling 45% had regained weight of about 5.5lb's. In the second group who had received on-line counseling, 55% had regained weight of about 10 lb's. The third group who had received no counseling, 72% had regained weight of about 11 lb's. The evidence is clear the best behavior modification is one on one counsel.

What components should one look for in a behavior modification program for effective weight loss and maintenance of weight loss? Most behavioral experts suggest one on one interaction. The materials used should challenge the participant's attitude to remain positive and visualize obtaining the desired results, before the physical manifestation of them. You should follow a system that requires both short term and long term goals. The goals should be both actions taken and results achieved. Participants should create an environment that welcomes support from family, friends and co-workers. You should commit to a schedule of check-ins creating accountability, first within the participant, and second to someone they view having authority.

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