Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

I have a simple philosophy about life…  God put my eyes in the front of my head, and He pointed my feet forward, because He intends for me to move forward…  The windshield of our cars is large and the rear view mirror small…  Why?  We are meant to go forward, and keep from going back…  There could be no getter example than managing our health and lifestyle…

Last week I wrote an article, “Better to Prepare than to Repair”…  I felt very moved and spiritually lead to do so…  It was a few days later, when a former client called wanting to meet…  He sounded desperate…  His identity is not important, because I meet so many, too many this way…  He had just left his doctors office, and had received bad news…  His total cholesterol was over 300 mg/dl, triglycerides over 500 mg/dl, and his fasting glucose over 300 mg/dl, and was being told he was now diabetic…

It had been since 2008, since I had worked with him, and I asked him to bring in his blood lab results…  I meant his current results, but to my surprise, he brought the one from 2008, the year I had worked with him as well…  He had not had his blood tested since 2008, because after our work together all his levels were in the normal range…  He had reach his weight and body composition goal, and from a blood chemistry point of view, in perfect health…

What happened, what went wrong, how could he leave the narrow path of good health and lean body, to a wide road of overweight body and poor health?  The answer is simple… He stopped preparing and was now in need of repair…  As I commented earlier, this happens far too often… 

When our appointment was over, and I had redirected him back onto the narrow path, a word rose up in my spirit…  It is a very special word for me, and one I hope you the reader have an ear to hear…  Why is it so special to me?  It was the first word, I heard in the ear of my spirit, from the heart of our God…  It would change my life, and has given me great purpose in helping the thousands in need of help…

So what did God say?  These words are not recorded anywhere, for they were written on my heart, and are the spoken word of God…  Those who know what I’m saying know them as Rhema words…  Ready, so what did God say, “Now is a time of preparation, soon you will enter into this land, I have promised…  I am burning up in you, everything not of me…  Do not return to places, I have set you free from…  As I draw you near to Me, the path of righteousness narrows, but do not be afraid for it is I who set you free”…

I still tremble when I think of this experience, and it happened over thirteen years ago…  So what does this mean?  God is saying prepare my people, so I don’t have to repair them…  My people, are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, teach them what to do…  Keep them from going back to their old un-healthy lifestyles…  Build their faith and trust in Me, for I will complete in them, that which I began…

I know this will make many of my clients smile…  For I have gained quite a reputation for taking my work very serious…  Little did you know, who I was really being commissioned by…

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