Friday, June 6, 2014



There is a knock on the Coach’s door and Shawn my business partner of more than twenty years comes in and surprises me with these word’s, “Coach I want to try your program”…  At first it surprised me, because 10 members of Shawn’s relatives had already successfully worked with the Coach…

These words could not come out of Coach’s mouth fast enough, ”Shawn success is not something you try, it is someone you become…  Once we fit you to the right foods, right amounts and at the right times I guarantee your results…  I went over to the light switch and shut off the lights…  I then turned back on the lights and asked Shawn, what happen when I turned on the lights?  Of coarse Shawn said, “Darkness left the room”…  I said, the same is true with right and wrong, they both can not be in the same room at the same time…  Once we turn on the “lights” of doing nutritionally right, the consequences of nutritionally wrong will leave you I guarantee it…

Well I am happy to report Shawn completed the 12 week Fat Loss Challenge and there was an amazing transformation to his body…  Shawn went from 29% body fat to 17% in 12 weeks…  He lost 33 lb. of fat, while gaining an impressive 4 lb. of muscle… When we focus on what we believe and do what is right it always turns out right I guarantee it…  Coach 

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