Monday, June 9, 2014



I know what some of you might be thinking Coach is spending too much time with his dogs Cyrus and Shiloh…  Well you would be wrong, though I love spending time with them…  You are the head and not the tail is actually scriptural and I believe has several powerful messages connected to it…

When God makes us the head you wind up on top of your circumstances and no longer defeated by them…  God’s word promises you will rise above your trials and no longer under their control…

Most new client I meet are the tail wagging the dog when it comes to their lifestyle…  Their poor eating habits are a results of their circumstances or emotions making their choices, instead of knowledge guided by conscience guided beliefs…

I’m happy to report Mary Lou is no longer running in circles like a dog chasing after its tail…  Mary Lou was exercising six or seven times per week, but trapped in an overweight body and her high exercise activity level made her poor eating habits worse…  Now guided by her belief in right foods, right portions and scheduled to her individual needs, her results are amazing…  She is no longer a victim to her circumstances but victorious over them losing 29 lb. of fat in only twelve weeks…  Mary Lou’s body fat percentage went from 40% to her ideal of 27% for a woman her age…  She also gained 5 lb. of muscle as her reward for her change in lifestyle…  Mary Lou is now the head and not the tail…  Coach

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