Monday, March 9, 2015


Stay In The Yard  to Your Ideal Weight

The message I share today is so simple, but yet so profound and life changing…  The picture of the turtle is worth a thousand words…  He was happy and content and had everything he needed in his yard…  He had a pond, plenty of land to sun bath and a fence, which kept out all his enemies…  Why did turtle leave the yard?  Probably for the same reason you might; you think the pond and grass is greener somewhere else… Once you leave the yard it can be a struggle to get back in…

About a year ago I started working with a twenty-four year old client over 200 lb. and a history of life long battle with weight…  Though she was not very old she described herself as being born over weight…  At the start of our first session together where I retrieve the information to customize my concept, something amazing took place…  When I asked my client for her last name she said Yard…  I responded, how do you spell it?  She replied, Y A R D…   I went to move forward with the interview, but the voice inside me would not let me…  I made several attempts and then told Ms. Yard I needed to stop and become sensitive to the voice…

Well what happened next was special; the words coming out of my mouth were,” if you stay in the “yard” of balanced nutrition of right foods, right amounts and right times your weight problem will go away…  I know what you are thinking…  Coach must be spending too much time in the yard playing with his dogs Shiloh and Cyrus…  Well I knew those were not my words and Ms Yard knew it too…  So simple, but so special if we all stay in the yard of  doing what is right; anyone’s struggle in losing weight and keeping it off will go away…

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