Saturday, March 14, 2015

Win the Battle Losing Weight

It Takes All Your Effort to Win the Battle

When Coach was a young boy growing up if there was trouble anywhere in the world which required the intervention of America there was a saying which went; “send in the Marines”…  The image it left on young Coach was we are sending our best warriors… I honor all our military forces we can never repay them, all gave some, but some gave all…

Several years ago Coach met a former Marine his name is Larry and at first meeting he told me his goal was to win the life long battle with his weight…  Larry was in his seventies and weighed 293 lb. at 41% body fat…  Larry told Coach, “I want to get into the size uniform I wore 54 years ago when I left the Marines”… I remember telling Larry we will have to send “all the men” to win the battle, we will have to “send in the Marines”…

It is Coach’s great honor today to introduce you to this amazing former Marine…  Larry lost a truly amazing 71 lb. and now weighs 221 lb. at 21% body fat at the young age of 79 years old…  It made me cry today when Larry showed up dressed in the Marine outfit he wore 54 years ago…

Larry has medals on his chest to honor his years of service…  Coach received his medal, when Larry whispered in my ear as we stood for the photo; “thank you Coach for helping win the battle”…  God bless…  Coach

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