The Fat Loss Coach teaches you a way to hormonally influence the body to lose fat, without the loss of lean muscle tissue or a reduction in metabolism.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Power to Lose Weight
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Power Of Rest
My clients are always amazed when they find out that most of their muscle growth occurs while they are sleeping, and not during their workouts. Recuperation is a subject that receives too little attention and is often misunderstood. We are conditioned to think in order to succeed we must work hard and little value is placed on rest.
During intense resistance training there is cellular damage that takes place in the millions of myofibrils, that make up our muscle structure. As we recuperate from our workout, the hypertrophic or rebuilding response starts to occur. The rebuilding phase, has several stages and requires on average of 72-96 hours to complete. The phases include an inflammation stage, a clean out stage where damaged cell debris is removed and a growth stage. So it takes three or four days before the muscle enters into an environment where growth can occur. Each muscle group should not be worked more than once per week. If a muscle group is trained more frequently, it may not leave enough time for recuperation, and not time for growth.
It is important to receive eight to ten hours of sleep each night, when the body is sleeping important functions for growth and recovery take place. During sleep growth hormones are secreted from the pituitary gland, which aides in the body’s ability to synthesize protein to rebuild muscle tissue. Many of the nutrients ingested during our waking hours are assimilated while we sleep.
Over training occurs when a muscle group is worked too long, or too frequent. Training a muscle before it has fully recuperated will cause further damage to the muscle fibers. The body will enter into a catabolic state (breaking down) and will result in loss of muscle tissue. The body in its inability to adapt to this stress will show signs of over training.
The following symptoms are good indications you are over training. They are lack of energy, trouble sleeping, muscle and joint soreness, no muscle growth, loss of strength and no desire to exercise. If these symptoms occur, the best course of action is rest, a week with no training. During this time off re-evaluate your nutritional program and training routine. After further analysis you will find you either under ate, or over trained.
We all differ when it comes to our recuperative abilities. Learn to listen to the messages, that your body sends. When you experience increases in strength, energy and muscular growth, it should reinforce that your routine is working. On the flip side, decreases in strength, energy and growth should alert you your routine needs to change. Exercise goes against our human nature. Less work will usually mean more results. Learn to relax and enjoy the time away from your workouts. If you train with proper form, with intensity you deserve all the rest you can get.
When it comes to increasing exercise performance and improving body compositiuon, there nothing more powerful than rest.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Four Stages of Successful Weight Loss
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
10 Ways to Change Your Health TODAY
Thursday, October 20, 2011
5 Diseases Associated with Obesity
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fuel Your Way To Your Ideal Weight
Over the last two decades after interviewing over fourteen thousand clients and having done more than seventy thousand counseling sessions you could say I have strong opinions on weight management… My views are based on the evidence historically discovered about behavior patterns, which are common and reoccurring in individuals in need of weight loss…
So a large part of my teaching is to explain the biological effect the foods we eat have on blood sugar and our bodies hormone responses… Learning how to manage these responses will do more than lose weight, it will manage body composition (muscle/fat ratio), energy, digestion, mood, recuperation, sleep and many health benefits… he large list of benefits makes this a priority to manage…
Our perception of food is as important to change as the foods themselves… One of my pet phases is food must become nutritional fuel… Now I know what your thinking, here we go, he’s going to compare me to a car… Well I guess the joke would be on you… Most who struggle with their weight know more about the gas, oil and antifreeze purpose for their car, then protein, carbohydrates and fats role on their hormonal responses…
The shame is it’s easy to learn… I could teach it to your six year old child… No, really… In fact it reminds me of a life changing counseling session I had… The session started with a client who brought her six year old daughter … She said the girl would be no trouble, she’ll just color as we speak… At the end of the meeting, the woman commented, I like your scientific and holistic approach, but I don’t think I would be able to see food is fuel… I said, “I can teach it to your little girl… She was quick to comment, “No you can’t”…
So I turned to the little girl holding up two business cards and said, “Honey in my left hand is a ice cream sandwich and my right hand is a tuna sandwich, which one would you like? She of course said, “Ice cream”… I said, “I understand honey, ice cream tastes better’”… I turned to the mother and asked, “ which of the two will manage your blood sugar? The woman replied, “tuna”.. Which will feed your muscles? She responded, “tuna”… Which will supply your body with the needed vitamins and minerals? She answered, “tuna”… Which will get you to your ideal weight and keep you there? She responded, “tuna’… Which will improve your blood chemistry and stabilize your energy and moods? Once again, she replied, “tuna’…
I now turn to the little girl and ask, “honey you can have either one, ice cream or tuna, which one do you what? You can guess what came next, the smart little girl got it, she replied, “I’ll have the tuna”…
So if you are in need of weight loss, isn’t it time we lose our child like desires, and learn how to nutritionally fuel our bodies? So the question is, will it be ice cream or tuna?
5 Reasons Fat Loss is Good for You
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Eight Things You Need to Know Before Beginning the Fat Loss Coach Program
Wake up, America! We’re eating ourselves into obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and even death. Our children are being diagnosed diabetic at early ages and at an alarming rate. The Fat Loss Coach is here to tell you there is a better way. We are here to support you on your journey and to teach you how to turn your fat storing body into a fat burning machine.
Here are eight things you need to know before beginning our program:
1. We’re eating ourselves to death: Americans are spending $34 billion per year on diets and 2/3 of us are still overweight, obese and morbidly obese.
2. Lifestyle: Weight loss isn’t an annual New Year’s Resolution. It is a choice to live a healthier life that starts by changing your mindset. We teach you how to eat what YOUR body needs to reach optimum performance.
3. Focus: Our focus is on YOU maintaining healthy lean mass and losing unhealthy fat stores. We want your focus to be on YOU creating a healthy lifestyle.
4. Key to success is learning the proper way to feed your body. Many of us are under-eating which means our bodies are not getting balanced nutrition and our metabolism is slow.
5. Muscle loss reduces metabolism creating the plateaus of fitness and weight loss that we have all experiences.
6. Finish what you start: We promise to be with you every step of the way. We want you to promise you will maintain a healthy lifestyle using the tools and techniques we teach you about healthy eating.
7. Glyco-Cycle: Through our Fat Loss Coach Glyco-Cycle three day eating plan we change your body from fat storage to fat burning without losing lean muscle.
8. Most fail on traditional diets because we’re limiting what we can eat. We teach you how to adjust what and when you eat to create a fat burning machine called YOU. We have client testimonials and the support of doctors across New England to illustrate how and why our program works. We look forward to helping you create a healthy lifestyle!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Going On Diet Is Like Eating Kryptonite
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Witness Protection Program For Weight Loss
You see over the last 20 years I have discovered, those who are overweight, have created an identity to support their poor eating lifestyle... So it would take more than teaching her what to eat... She would need behavior modification help... We would need to spend as much effort changing the way she saw herself as developing new knowledge of proper nutrition...
To many times weight loss failures are the result of new knowledge, which lacks ability to be put into practice daily... So if your attempting to lose weight and keep it off, its time to join the "witness protection program" for weight loss... Your new identity will put you on the path to a new body... http:///
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Overcoming Mistakes To Reach Your Weight Loss Goal
Friday, August 19, 2011
Free From The Pain Of Yesterday
As I started to pray, I felt the Lord say, "I'm not going to heal your back... I already have... Then the power of God hit me... I was getting ready to ask for something, I already had... I had to make a choice... Speak words of life, or words of death... I choose life... It was amazing... The pain, which had come suddenly, left me just as quick...
The best part, God showed me where the pain came from... It was a hurt from my past, I allowed back in... Thats where the pain formed in back... Wow...
The Lord reminded me of these words, He had spoken to me... I breath My Life of tomorrow into your wound of yesterday… The hands of time will leave a scare… A touch of God will bring forth new life…
I encourage all my friends, we are free from the wounds of are past... Time is not a healer, God is... I speak the healer power of God will touch each of my friends and the chains of their past wounds are broken... God bless...
Friday, July 29, 2011
Is Something Missing From Your Weight Loss Plan?
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Keep Moving Forward
Friday, July 15, 2011
Better to Prepare than Repair
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Food is Our Medicine - Part One
Plants, like humans, are susceptible to disease and viruses and have developed their own protective substances, called phyto-chemicals.. Mounting research reveals many phyto-chemicals also protect humans from cancers and diseases. The following is a list of foods, which provide protective plant chemicals and the conditions they protect us from, and the research to support its claims.
Whole Grains - The best sources are wheat, rice, barley, oats and rye. Whole grains are the seeds of the plant and consist of an outer shell called the bran, the middle called the endosperm and inner called the germ. Whole grains are excellent sources of folate, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, phosphorus and Vitamin E. Folate helps decrease levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream are linked to risk of heart disease.
Whole grains contain phytochemicals called phytosterols, phenolic acid and lignans. Studies have shown that whole grains reduce the risk of several cancers and type II diabetes. They lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and they reduce inflammation, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a recent study at the University of Utah, Dr. Martha Slattery found that high intakes of whole grains, especially high fiber cereals, reduced the risk of rectal cancer by 31%. A high fiber diet (more than 34 grams daily) reduced rectal cancer by 66%. In a recent study at Tufts University, Dr. Nicola McKeown reported participants who consumed at least three servings daily of whole grains are less likely to develop insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome which are precursors of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, both insoluble and soluble. In a resent study reported by Harvard School of Public Health, Doctor Qi and colleagues found that women with diabetes that consumed more whole grains, bran and cereal fiber had lower blood vessel inflammation that has been linked to heart disease.
The foundation of any healthy lifestyle should be balanced nutrition and whole grains playing a major role. Whole grains are excellent sources of B vitamins, which provide energy and help convert the foods we eat into energy.