Friday, July 18, 2014

LOVE Is The KEY To Your Success

LOVE Is The KEY To Your Success

Last week the Coach was contacted by a writer from a magazine looking for one healthy tip she could use in her article on healthy lifestyle…  My response, “well if I can give you only one this is it love what you do”…  There was silence on the phone for a minute, because I surprised her and her response confirmed it…  She said, “I thought you were going to give me some breaking news on nutrition”…

Well for more than two decades I have been teaching breakthrough, cutting edge knowledge on managing hormone and metabolic responses through nutrition to lose fat improve muscle and develop a healthy lifestyle…  The key to success is more than having knowledge, but becoming what you know and this is impossible without loving what you do…

It is common for someone who is struggling making the lifestyle change to make this statement, “I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it all the time”…  I never hear this from someone who loves his or her new healthy lifestyle…  Why is it so important to love what you do?  The answer will free you from the bondage of poor behavior…

Love will protect what you do, trust what you do, endure what you do, pursue what you do, but most of all keep you from failing at what you do…  Love is so powerful it never fails us, we fail when we attach love to the wrong behavior…  The sobering truth of life is there is a right and wrong way to living in our hormone and metabolic design…  You either learn to live and enjoy the benefits of right, or suffer the consequences of wrong…

I so happy to report the power of love in guiding Debbye to her new healthy lifestyle and amazing change to her body and health…  Love is such a guiding force in Debbye’s life; she is named for it…  Her name is Debbye Love and love is empowering metamorphic change…  Debbye has lost 30 lb. of fat in only 12 weeks, while gaining 5 lb. of muscle…  Her new lifestyle has also healed her of several metabolic disorders she had been medicated for over many years…  I have been a witness thousands of times how God uses love to heal our hearts as well as our bodies…  Learn to live within your hormone and metabolic design and guided by love you will never fail, just ask Debbye…  Coach

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