Friday, July 18, 2014


This morning I was teaching my nutrition lifestyle to a new 17-year old client…  Her aunt who is one of the Coach’s All-Stars brought her in…  As I was explaining her customized menu’s God gave me a vision I was planting a new tree in a healthy garden…  God showed me the tree had no roots yet so it would need to be watered daily with all her heart, will and ability…  Once deep rooted nothing from her circumstances could hurt the tree, because it drew water from deep within her spirit…  As I explained my vision to my new client God reminded me of a word He once spoke to me, and I am now a messenger of…

God said, “I have made you to be a tree, rooted in My Kingdom…   Though I will allow you to face seasons, which will cause you to bend…  I will not let you break…  For seasons will come and go, but the tree will remain…  For your life comes not from what is seen, but what is unseen”…

Whatever challenge you might face, God will allow you to bend, but as you seek His help and His will, The Lord will not let you break…  I have been so blessed to plant so many healthy trees…  Whatever you face, believe you can, expect you will, with all your ability and watch God bless and protect your tree…  Coach

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