Friday, July 18, 2014



There is no bigger thrill the Coach receives then helping my clients reverse the hands of time and helping them into bodies they had many years ago, and sometimes never had at all…  I receive strange looks of unbelief during first interviews when I explain glycation’s effect on aging and how I will teach them to become biologically younger…  Eating right foods in right amounts at right times manage blood sugar and hormone and metabolic responses and slow down glycation in our bodies…  We start to biologically age slower and in many cases reverse aging…

One special morning in prayer the Lord spoke these words to me…  The Lord said, in this world you can not out run time…  But you are not from this world; for in My Kingdom, time holds no judgment against you…  God was saying to me your spirit does not grow old and He has blessed me with the knowledge to teach others this principle…  We our spirit’s, which have human experiences and not the other way around…  I have also been blessed with the wisdom to slow aging and its effect on metabolic disorders, which come with aging…

I am so happy to report the proof of this in the life of Leslie…  When I met Leslie at 192 lb. and at 49% body fat and explained she was destined to be 135 lb. at 29 % body fat; she thought it was impossible at her age of 65 yrs. old…  The fire inside the Coach ignites when I hear those words impossible; because I have been a witness with God all things are possible if we combine wisdom with faith in Him…  In just 12 short weeks Leslie has lost 34 lb. of fat and increased 5 lb. of muscle…  The best part is she more than believes her final result will happen; she expects it will…  In 12 short weeks, decades of poor behavior have been erased…

Its time to forget all the magic of quick fix solutions and grab hold of the MAJESTIC and combine knowledge with faith…  May God stretch forth His Majestic right hand and may time no longer judge you…  God bless…  Coach

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