Friday, July 18, 2014


It was several years ago during a special time in prayer the Lord spoke these words to me… “I have given onto you the ability to turn coal into diamonds…  As this is used for My Kingdom, it will increase…  I have placed within your heart the desire to mend the wing of that which has fallen…  I Am removing the veil of your understanding…  For you will see the hidden treasure in the lost”…

I have seen God be faithful to those words thousands of times…  When I first met Sal he was lost on the road of poor eating habits and destined to a life of being over-weight and in poor health, but I could see the treasure inside him…  Sal said at our first meeting I need you to help me lose weight…  I looked at Sal and responded, “I am going to save your life”…  Our journey together has been amazing, and now ALL can see the treasure, which was once hidden… Sal has lost an incredible 135 lb. and has totally transformed his life spirit, mind and body and Coach is so proud of him…  Its time we ALL look in the mirror and see the treasure God sees we He looks upon us… Coach

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