Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Super + Natural = Super-Natural

Super + Natural = Super-Natural


There’s a knock on my office door and then it quickly opens and shuts…  So what was going on to make the door open and shut so quickly, I was in prayer…  Then news came back to me, the Coach’s concepts are so tough, and he has to pray to make them work…  Well I have thousands and thousands of clients as proof my concepts work…  I was not praying for my methods to work, I was guarantying they would…


Why do we settle for our natural abilities to make things work, when the supernatural promises of God guarantee’s they will…  The bible promises if you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer…   It’s common when clients ask what should I do in this situation, my response is, what do you believe/


There’s a major advertising campaign calling itself the human nature program for losing weight…  The concept is we are not perfect in human nature, so the program concepts are based on our human behavior imperfections…


Well I’m the first to admit I’m far from perfect, but when it comes to managing my weight I and thousands of my clients are really good at it…  That’s what I was praying, God keep my focus off of my imperfection and Lord I call upon your perfection…


Well if you know the bible, you know the first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine…  Well our human biology tells us we are mostly made up of water…  So my prayer each day is the miracle of my human nature, becoming more like God’s divine nature…


It’s so rewarding to see clients change from the inside out…  When we approach changes in our eating behavior in a holistic way, spirit, mind and body, the change is more dramatic and longer lasting…


If you call upon your human imperfection, it’s like gluing the wings of a butterfly on the caterpillar, and eventually they will fall off…  However if you call upon the supernatural help of God, we are metamorphic ally changed into the butterfly and take off…

I have seen it happen so many times, I’ll be praying it happens for you…

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fat Loss Not Just Weight Loss

Fat Loss Not Just Weight Loss

Losing weight is something most have experienced, at some time in their life…  Many I meet, unfortunately have made it a life long battle…  Today it seems like everyone is in the weight loss business…  When sub-shops and beer commercials present themselves as weight loss solutions it tells you the problem has grown in epidemic proportion…

Why is losing weight and keeping it off such a challenge for so many Americans?  The theory behind the weight loss method they choose as too many flaws…  If it were as simple as eating less calories and moving more, the problem of obesity would have been solved long ago…

Watch closely the commercials talk solely about weight loss…  When the problem is being over-fat…  Fat is a three-letter word not a four-letter…  If your over-weight, your over-fat and you need a solution, which targets the fat and not the muscle tissue… 

This is the story of the amazing results when your approach has been customized to you, based on percent of body fat, exercise schedule, activity level, food preferences and health conditions and targets the fat not muscle in weight loss…  When our fat loss approach manages both hormone and metabolic responses, many of the metabolic syndrome disorders leave along with the excess fat…

I met Charlie in March of 2012 when I was 34 years old. At the time I weighed 261 pounds at 39% body fat. I was taking two blood pressure medications along with a cholesterol pill. I was struggling with my weight and needed to make a change. In the past I had been successful on various different diets. However, I was never able to maintain those results. Through Charlie's three-day meal plan and exercise I have completely changed my lifestyle. Almost a year later the results have been more than I could have asked for. I currently weigh 200 pounds at 17% body fat. I am no longer taking any blood pressure or cholesterol medicine! I couldn't be happier with the results working with the Fat Loss Coach.  David

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Circus or Weight Loss

Circus or Weight Loss


Over the last twenty-two years I have interviewed thousands and thousands of clients…  The reason potential clients give for wanting to meet are as different as the east is from the west…  However, this week I heard something, which made me almost fall off my chair…  When I asked, “what would you like me to help you accomplish”?  The woman’s response was something I had never heard before…


She said, “I need to make a decision”…  I asked, “What do you need to decide”? She responded, “I need to join your program or join the circus”…  Those of you who know me know how serious I am when it comes to giving counseling, but I had a hard time holding back my smile…


So I encouraged her, she would not have to pack her bag and hop the next freight train headed for Barnum and Bailey, but she would have to stop…  Stop what you might ask?  Stop turning to diets and quick fix weight loss solutions to solve her weight problem…  Her history was like most I meet, her diets only worked for a short while or not at all… 


You see, what she was really saying to me is I either have to lose this weight or accept it…  Accepting it would be an option, if it just determine what size she was…  However her weight problem would determine both, quality of her physical and mental health…


No one wants to be over-weight and have health issues, which accompany it…  They lack the skills and confidence they can change it…  I have helped a multitude of clients and I knew if she would let me I could help her as well…

It starts with being re-educated how our bodies hormonally and metabolically respond to amount and quality of foods consumed…  Once we have this knowledge, which is unique to each one of us, it must develop into life long eating behavior or character…

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bad News For Weight Loss

Bad News For Weight Loss

There is a knock on my office door, its one of my associates and he says, “did you see the news”?  What news is that I responded? The shame your way to lose weight approach…  I thought he was kidding until he showed me the report on Daniel Callahan a bioethicist who is calling for renewed emphasis on social pressure against heavy people, some would call fat-shaming…

I reached for my glasses, I must be reading this wrong…  Shaming people into losing weight, now I have heard everything…  Well, I don’t believe Callahan spends every day interacting with those struggling with weight issues…  Well for the past twenty years I have and placing people into the hall of shame regarding their weight will never work…

Now do not mistake The Fat Loss Coach for jumping over into the weight-acceptance advocate group either…  So what does work when it comes to shedding weight and keeping it off?  Your approach needs to be holistic…  A change of heart, attitude and physical habits…

Helping those struggling being over-weight starts with renewing their spirit or inner identity, teaching them to love themselves and building their faith, not tearing it down…  A sign on my office wall says, imagine, dream and believe…  Everything is possible if you believe…

I have asked this question thousands and thousands of times to potential over-weight clients I meet for the first time…  If it were as simple as going online and ordering what you will weigh this year over-weight or ideal weight which would you pick?  I have never had one client say over-weight in twenty years…   No one wants to be over-weight and have health issues, which accompany it…  They lack the skills and confidence they can change it…

My job as their coach is helping them believe they can, and teaching them the lifestyle tools to accomplish it…  Losing weight is not something you do, but someone you become…  I think it a far better approach to lift my clients into the hall of fame…

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No One Size Weight Loss

No One Size Weight Loss


During a recent interview on Fox network, the show host Stan Simpson started his program by saying in America we are eating too much and working out too little…  Okay, so what is the BIG news, excuse my pun, we have all heard those comments more than we care to remember regarding obesity?  The “BIG NEWS” was my response, I said, “most people I meet eat too little, and their weight problem has little to do with exercise…  Stan’s response, “interesting”…


I kept on being asked the same question…  What is an average amount of food most viewers need to consume to lose weight?  My response, “no one size works for everyone, the right amount is unique to each person”…  I continued by pointing out only one isle in grocery store were food comes with any instructions…  Stan asked, ‘what isle is that”?  My response, pet food isle, He laughed and said interesting, I wasn’t joking…


Then I was asked give us examples of fat busting foods…  My response, there are no right foods, if you eat them in wrong amounts…  Most weight loss failures are the result of losing both muscle and fat, and the metabolism adjusting by slowing down, because the calorie reduction is too drastic…  Stan’s response again was, you guess it, ‘interesting”…


So what does work, when it comes to losing weight as fat and keeping it off?  Your approach needs to be customized to you…  What factors should you consider when starting a weight loss program?  The amount and type of food has been customized to your percent of body fat, activity level, exercise schedule, work schedule, health and food preferences…  

So the message of customizing and no one size works for everyone was load and clear…  So this year, do not make last years mistake if you need to lose weight…  There is one size which will work and continue to work, the ONE SIZE which fits you…

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weight Loss Game

Weight Loss Game

I was back stage in green room of Fox TV, waiting to be a guest on talk show...  Waiting with me was former New England Patriot Tabucky Jones...  Patriots are my favorite team and I remember watching him play...  As we are talking about how much the game has changed, our conversation started the wheels turning in my head...  I was getting my material for my next article...

I told Jones, it seems like the players today NEVER commit a penalty...  They seem to argue almost every call...  I then said, "can you image if we didn't have referees"?  He just shook his head and said, "it would be crazy"...

My clients know me as The Fat Loss Coach...   Like all good coaches, I teach the rules to the game and help every client to become good players staying within the rules...  The biggest challenge to coaching in the "weight loss game", my clients are both the player and the referee...

Like any game, when we stay within the rules, we score, and when we play outside the rules there of course is a penalty...  So how do we become good players?  Like all good players, practice and then more practice...  Practice visualizing staying within the rules, before the game of right foods, right portions and timing of your meals...  Now I know what your thinking, coach, I can't be perfect...  I know, I don't expect you will play perfect, but you can visualize perfect...

Learn a valuable technique from the pro athletes, which will make you a pro at the weight loss game...  Before the basketball player, takes a shot, the golfer a swing, and baseball pitcher a pitch, they visualize the perfect outcome...  The ball going through the hoop, into the hole, or hitting the catchers mitt...  Does the perfect outcome happen every time?  Oh course not, but the pro's keep believing it will...  As soon as they stop believing, there performance and usually their career ends...

Now the game Jones played comes to an end and he is retired...  In the game of managing your weight your the player and referee and there is no end...  So let me send you off with your coaches pep talk...  You thought you could not do it, I always knew you could...  I helped to see you through it like every good coach should !!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Big Picture Of Weight Loss

Big Picture Of Weight Loss

On Saturday 1/12/13 NBC Today show reported numbers, which were shocking to me…  They reported the number of women who were following some type of DIET were down from 34% in 1995, to only 21% today…  So had America over this period of time solved their great battle with weight?  Well, unfortunately that statement could not be any further from the truth…  So what did they say the reason for the drop?  Answer, a RELAXED attitude toward size…  The commentary made it sound like Americans were slowly giving up and just accepting getting larger… 

During the same week ABC reported a group of health clubs with a unique concept and three locations was starting to pop up…  Could this be the answer, to relaxed attitude toward size?  Hold, your horses, guess what their joining requirement is?  You have to be fifty pounds over-weight or more to be a member…  Is this a bad dream?

Well this is one American who is standing up and shouting it time to get “REAL UNCOMFIORTABLE”, with size…  Why should I take such a stand?  Though dieting numbers are down, there is an ALARMING rise in the numbers of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, gastro-intestinal disturbances, joint problems, and excuse the pun, the list is to LARGE to mention…

I’m the first to say diets don’t work, and have dedicated the last twenty-plus years explaining why…  If you are in need of weight loss, do not give up hope and certainly stop accepting it…  See the big picture, your weight loss approach needs to shift to lifestyle approach…  Food is not the problem, it’s the solution, and if your over-weight you ate your way into it, and have to eat your way out …

Friday, January 11, 2013

Weight Loss No Magic

Weight Loss No Magic


When I woke up today something felt strange…  Go into the bathroom look in mirror, but nothing looks different…  Brush my teeth and check my tongue, but no spots…  Finish my shower and feel for fewer, but no fewer, don’t have the flu…


So as I drive into work, then it comes to me…  It’s the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach this time of year…  So what’s bothering me?  It’s the bombardment of commercials and media coverage promoting this year weight loss magic…


Its everything from the coffee bean diet, to the chocolate cake diet, and then there’s magical substance you sprinkle on doughnuts to make you lose weight…


Well I love a magic show…  I have seen David Copperfield’s  act several times live…  I love when he makes the audience disappear…  But one thing I have NEVER seen him do, is make the FAT from the audience vanish…


So if this year you are hoping magic will make your unwanted fat go away, and stay away, get ready for another year of disappointment… 


So what does work?  The same approach, which has worked year after year…  Learn to live within your hormone and metabolic design, not against it…  Yes, if you want to lose the weight as fat and keep it off, it will require a change in eating behavior…  Yes, its work, but it can produce a magical result… 

Eating the right foods, in proper amounts at least four times per day will have your fat disappearing along with being hungry or tired…  No it’s not magic, but it will sure make your weight worries vanish…

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Confusion Leads To Weight Loss

Confusion Leads To Weight Loss

If you have more than twenty pounds to lose this year, this secret alone will open the door to accomplishing it…  If you eat fewer calories than your body requires continually, which happens on most diets, you will keep from reaching your long-range weight loss goal…  Why coach?  Your body’s hormonal and metabolic design will keep it from happening…  It’s always best to work within your hormonal and metabolic design, than work against it…

Dr. Oz, said it best recently…  He said body builders have taught us to keep our muscles responding to exercise one of the best techniques is muscle confusion…  To put if simply it means to fool your muscle with different workouts to keep them from self-adjusting to the workout…  Then he went on to say the same is true with your response to calories and make up of foods on your diet…  You have to keep your body from self-adjusting to it…

Well Dr Oz, I agree with you…  In fact I agree with your statement whole-heartedly…  Why? Because it has been the foundation of my nutrition concept and teaching’s for more than twenty years…  I called it the glyco-cycle, and its more than just cycling calories confusing our metabolism from wanting to slow down or adjust, which is the underlining reason why most diets are poor solutions long term to get to your ideal weight and body composition…

So to lose weight as fat and keep it off, the secret is don’t try to lose it every day…  You must learn to cycle fat burning days with maintenance or recovery days…

So if this is the year you reach your ideal, listen to The Coach and Dr. Oz, the principle of confusion will get you there…

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Freedom To Lose Weight

Freedom To Lose Weight

Freedom From Being Over-Weight Comes With Responsibility

Okay, what does all this talk about freedom have to do with losing weight? Everything…  Being at your ideal weight comes with responsibility…  One of my offices is very close to a state prison…  The inmates don’t need to be responsible about three life responsibilities, job, money, or place to live… However they have also lost their ability to be free..  When released their freedom will come with a cost…  They now need a job, money and place to stay..  Their freedom comes with responsibility…

The same is true if you are over-weight… Most over-weight potential clients I meet are not responsible about three aspects of weight management, quality of food, timing of meals and portion of meals.  However they have imprisoned themselves in a over-weight body, sentenced to poorer health and quality of life…

To be set free, their freedom will come at a cost…  They must learn to eat the right foods, in right amounts at least for times per day…  Their freedom from being over-weight comes with responsibility…

We know a percentage of inmates will return back to prison, because their behavior was not reformed…  The same is true with the self imprisonment of being over-weight, the numbers who return are even larger…  No diet will reform poor eating behavior…  This freedom can only come with a change of heart…

It time for all of us to be able to say “I am free from being over-weight and free from all the hurt and pain it causes…  Its time to stand up and say, I AM FREE..

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Discover The New You

Discover The New You…


Okay it 11:00 a.m. this morning and I’m teaching my next client her nutritional program…  When we get to the part how many calories she will be eating, I tell her 1492 calories per day…  Then we moved on, but the thought of 1492 wouldn’t leave me…  I started even to have trouble concentrating…  So what was so important about 1492?  Then it hit me…  We all know it’s believed to be the year Columbus discovered America…


Wow…  I was teaching her to discover the new her…  Many times, too many in fact my client wants to start out fixing the old behavior, when I have to help them DISCOVER new behavior…


Let this be the year we stop looking back trying to fix something from the past…  God put our eyes in front of our head and our feet our pointed forward, because that’s the direction He intended us to be heading…  The rear view mirror is small, but the windshield is large, keep your eyes forward, and discover the NEW healthier, leaner, disciplined, stable NEW you…

This year we will spend one day celebrating what Columbus discovered, lets spend the other three-hundred-fifty-one celebrating what you discovered, THE NEW YOU…

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lose Weight Beat Diabetes

On June 1, 2012, I was a 190 lb diabetic taking three medicines, had a blood sugar level between 120 and 200, had a pot belly, sensitive gums and I was facing the doctor-recommended journey of going on insulin or having lap-band stomach surgery. 

Instead, I decided to journey a few miles up Route 10 and to join the 900 plus members of the diabetic "fraternity" who have joined the Charles Remington/Fat Loss Coach team. I now weigh what I weighed in the 1970s...175. My doctor took me off all diabetes medication, and my blood sugar level is usually between 88 and 105. 

My gums are in great shape and I fit nicely into 34 inch-waist pants. I'm very grateful to Charles and his customized/personalized diet. Four meals, four hours apart has been the best way to lose weight. I truly believe he has added years to my life. I owe him a lot. 

If you are pre-diabetic, full-blown diabetic or just want to shrink your waist and have more enjoyable interactions with your mirror in the morning, I suggest you make the pilgrimage and, to use the title from a TV show, put "Charles in Charge." Ron G.

Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss Journey
Three and a half years ago, as a birthday gift to myself, I decided to meet with Charlie. At 185 pounds, I decided I had enough. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I only knew I had to do something to change my life. I put my faith in Charlie and in myself that I could live a healthier longer life.   My journey began in March of 2009 and by December that year I achieved my goal of losing 48 pounds!

Although losing the weight (losing fat not muscle) was amazing, the ultimate reward was how incredible I felt and continue to feel today. I'm the leanest I've ever been in my life and feel the most balanced overall!

... He has been a wonderful mentor and inspiration to me. Not to mention a great friend. He has a been a force in my life and will continue to be! I will be forever indebted to him for helping change my life. I'm a believer!

Charlie-thank you for your constant guidance, your honesty, your passion for what you do, your friendship and most of all, for believing in me!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weight Loss Is A Choice

Put Yours On First

One of my very successful clients just let my office… During our time together she reminded me of the wonderful story of our first meeting…

When we met she was 6o lbs over-weight and in the interview she said her weight problem was the result of putting her husband, kids and sometimes even her job, above taking best care of herself… She said it caused her to be very over-weight…

After hearing this I responded by saying, it was the excuse she used, which enabled her poor eating habits… My advice was instead of the ones she loved walking before her, or behind her, its best they walk beside her.

I finished the meeting with this analogy… During pre-flight instructions, its standard procedure for attendants to instruct in case of plane disturbances if the air mask is released from over-head, who’s mask are you instructed to put on first? Answer… YOURS… Before you can help those you love, you have to have helped yourself to do it…

Well a year later and the 60 lbs she needed to lose is gone. She said there were so many situations, which tried to have her respond with her old excuse along the way, but each time she pictured the mask falling and chose her new behavior…

She said, she has never felt better, and those she loves who now walk beside her are happy she did…

Weight Loss Success

Weight Loss Success

My name is Denise and I live in Connecticut. I am 48 years old and have battled my weight and food addictions my whole life. A few years ago, I took a health assessment test through my employer to check my "numbers" (blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol, etc.). What I discovered made me realize that I needed to make some changes in my life. I had read a few books about the food industry in this country and decided I would stop eating meat. In doing so, I ate more carbohydrates to compensate for the lack of protein and started gaining more weight, even though I was exercising.


I knew a co-worker who had major success with weight loss and a healthy lifestyle and was keeping it off. When I asked her about it, she told me about this unique nutritionist she was seeing named Charlie Remington. She told me about her meal plan and exercise regimen. Originally I thought I could never be so disciplined. I didn't want to set myself up for another failure. I thought about it for a few more months and reached out to Charlie. I met with Charlie a few times and received my own personalized meal plan. The first few weeks were tough. I felt like I was going through some sort of de-tox (which I was). Initially, I did not even feel like exercising. After a short time, I had a renewed sense of energy and stamina.

Through the food plan Charlie designed for me, I eat 4 meals per day (every 4 hours). I have lots of energy. I sleep better. My mood is better. I exercise almost every day and feel years younger. Since changing my ways to a healthy lifestyle, I have run many 5K races and do the Pump Fitness program at home. I walk, bike ride, snow shoe, and am outdoors every chance I get. I also feel like I'm setting a good example for my teenage son, my husband, and family & friends. So, the pressure is on to keep it up. I have lost 45 pounds and have kept it off.

I am approaching the three-year mark from when I first met Charlie and I can honestly say that he and his program have changed my life. I have had countless people approach me about my success. I have been told that I inspire them and they want to know what to do. Like my co-worker, mentor, and friend did for me, I send them all to Charlie. Thank you, Charlie Remington, for teaching me how to eat right, often, and in the right amounts. Diets are temporary. This is a lifestyle change that is forever and feels so good.

So, if you are thinking about making some changes to better yourself and get healthier, go see Charlie. Don't doubt yourself. If I can do it, so can you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Best Weight Loss Program - Classified Ad

Best Weight Loss Program - Classified Ad

Best weight loss program, work one on one USA leading weight loss expert Charlie Remington The Fat Loss Coach. Best fat loss program because its customized fat loss program to fit you. Lose weight 2-3 lbs. per week of fat, without losing muscle. Lose weight naturally, alternative to quick fix diets. Learn healthy weight loss which controls blood sugar and hormone and metabolic responses. Turn on fat burning hormones, shut off fat storing hormones. Thousands of satisfied clients.   Two great locations Cheshire 203-272-0014 / Glastonbury 860-657-1064...Visit /