Sunday, January 27, 2013

Circus or Weight Loss

Circus or Weight Loss


Over the last twenty-two years I have interviewed thousands and thousands of clients…  The reason potential clients give for wanting to meet are as different as the east is from the west…  However, this week I heard something, which made me almost fall off my chair…  When I asked, “what would you like me to help you accomplish”?  The woman’s response was something I had never heard before…


She said, “I need to make a decision”…  I asked, “What do you need to decide”? She responded, “I need to join your program or join the circus”…  Those of you who know me know how serious I am when it comes to giving counseling, but I had a hard time holding back my smile…


So I encouraged her, she would not have to pack her bag and hop the next freight train headed for Barnum and Bailey, but she would have to stop…  Stop what you might ask?  Stop turning to diets and quick fix weight loss solutions to solve her weight problem…  Her history was like most I meet, her diets only worked for a short while or not at all… 


You see, what she was really saying to me is I either have to lose this weight or accept it…  Accepting it would be an option, if it just determine what size she was…  However her weight problem would determine both, quality of her physical and mental health…


No one wants to be over-weight and have health issues, which accompany it…  They lack the skills and confidence they can change it…  I have helped a multitude of clients and I knew if she would let me I could help her as well…

It starts with being re-educated how our bodies hormonally and metabolically respond to amount and quality of foods consumed…  Once we have this knowledge, which is unique to each one of us, it must develop into life long eating behavior or character…

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