Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Freedom To Lose Weight

Freedom To Lose Weight

Freedom From Being Over-Weight Comes With Responsibility

Okay, what does all this talk about freedom have to do with losing weight? Everything…  Being at your ideal weight comes with responsibility…  One of my offices is very close to a state prison…  The inmates don’t need to be responsible about three life responsibilities, job, money, or place to live… However they have also lost their ability to be free..  When released their freedom will come with a cost…  They now need a job, money and place to stay..  Their freedom comes with responsibility…

The same is true if you are over-weight… Most over-weight potential clients I meet are not responsible about three aspects of weight management, quality of food, timing of meals and portion of meals.  However they have imprisoned themselves in a over-weight body, sentenced to poorer health and quality of life…

To be set free, their freedom will come at a cost…  They must learn to eat the right foods, in right amounts at least for times per day…  Their freedom from being over-weight comes with responsibility…

We know a percentage of inmates will return back to prison, because their behavior was not reformed…  The same is true with the self imprisonment of being over-weight, the numbers who return are even larger…  No diet will reform poor eating behavior…  This freedom can only come with a change of heart…

It time for all of us to be able to say “I am free from being over-weight and free from all the hurt and pain it causes…  Its time to stand up and say, I AM FREE..

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