Thursday, January 10, 2013

Confusion Leads To Weight Loss

Confusion Leads To Weight Loss

If you have more than twenty pounds to lose this year, this secret alone will open the door to accomplishing it…  If you eat fewer calories than your body requires continually, which happens on most diets, you will keep from reaching your long-range weight loss goal…  Why coach?  Your body’s hormonal and metabolic design will keep it from happening…  It’s always best to work within your hormonal and metabolic design, than work against it…

Dr. Oz, said it best recently…  He said body builders have taught us to keep our muscles responding to exercise one of the best techniques is muscle confusion…  To put if simply it means to fool your muscle with different workouts to keep them from self-adjusting to the workout…  Then he went on to say the same is true with your response to calories and make up of foods on your diet…  You have to keep your body from self-adjusting to it…

Well Dr Oz, I agree with you…  In fact I agree with your statement whole-heartedly…  Why? Because it has been the foundation of my nutrition concept and teaching’s for more than twenty years…  I called it the glyco-cycle, and its more than just cycling calories confusing our metabolism from wanting to slow down or adjust, which is the underlining reason why most diets are poor solutions long term to get to your ideal weight and body composition…

So to lose weight as fat and keep it off, the secret is don’t try to lose it every day…  You must learn to cycle fat burning days with maintenance or recovery days…

So if this is the year you reach your ideal, listen to The Coach and Dr. Oz, the principle of confusion will get you there…

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