Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fat Loss Not Just Weight Loss

Fat Loss Not Just Weight Loss

Losing weight is something most have experienced, at some time in their life…  Many I meet, unfortunately have made it a life long battle…  Today it seems like everyone is in the weight loss business…  When sub-shops and beer commercials present themselves as weight loss solutions it tells you the problem has grown in epidemic proportion…

Why is losing weight and keeping it off such a challenge for so many Americans?  The theory behind the weight loss method they choose as too many flaws…  If it were as simple as eating less calories and moving more, the problem of obesity would have been solved long ago…

Watch closely the commercials talk solely about weight loss…  When the problem is being over-fat…  Fat is a three-letter word not a four-letter…  If your over-weight, your over-fat and you need a solution, which targets the fat and not the muscle tissue… 

This is the story of the amazing results when your approach has been customized to you, based on percent of body fat, exercise schedule, activity level, food preferences and health conditions and targets the fat not muscle in weight loss…  When our fat loss approach manages both hormone and metabolic responses, many of the metabolic syndrome disorders leave along with the excess fat…

I met Charlie in March of 2012 when I was 34 years old. At the time I weighed 261 pounds at 39% body fat. I was taking two blood pressure medications along with a cholesterol pill. I was struggling with my weight and needed to make a change. In the past I had been successful on various different diets. However, I was never able to maintain those results. Through Charlie's three-day meal plan and exercise I have completely changed my lifestyle. Almost a year later the results have been more than I could have asked for. I currently weigh 200 pounds at 17% body fat. I am no longer taking any blood pressure or cholesterol medicine! I couldn't be happier with the results working with the Fat Loss Coach.  David

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