Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lose Weight Beat Diabetes

On June 1, 2012, I was a 190 lb diabetic taking three medicines, had a blood sugar level between 120 and 200, had a pot belly, sensitive gums and I was facing the doctor-recommended journey of going on insulin or having lap-band stomach surgery. 

Instead, I decided to journey a few miles up Route 10 and to join the 900 plus members of the diabetic "fraternity" who have joined the Charles Remington/Fat Loss Coach team. I now weigh what I weighed in the 1970s...175. My doctor took me off all diabetes medication, and my blood sugar level is usually between 88 and 105. 

My gums are in great shape and I fit nicely into 34 inch-waist pants. I'm very grateful to Charles and his customized/personalized diet. Four meals, four hours apart has been the best way to lose weight. I truly believe he has added years to my life. I owe him a lot. 

If you are pre-diabetic, full-blown diabetic or just want to shrink your waist and have more enjoyable interactions with your mirror in the morning, I suggest you make the pilgrimage and, to use the title from a TV show, put "Charles in Charge." Ron G.

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