Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Super + Natural = Super-Natural

Super + Natural = Super-Natural


There’s a knock on my office door and then it quickly opens and shuts…  So what was going on to make the door open and shut so quickly, I was in prayer…  Then news came back to me, the Coach’s concepts are so tough, and he has to pray to make them work…  Well I have thousands and thousands of clients as proof my concepts work…  I was not praying for my methods to work, I was guarantying they would…


Why do we settle for our natural abilities to make things work, when the supernatural promises of God guarantee’s they will…  The bible promises if you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer…   It’s common when clients ask what should I do in this situation, my response is, what do you believe/


There’s a major advertising campaign calling itself the human nature program for losing weight…  The concept is we are not perfect in human nature, so the program concepts are based on our human behavior imperfections…


Well I’m the first to admit I’m far from perfect, but when it comes to managing my weight I and thousands of my clients are really good at it…  That’s what I was praying, God keep my focus off of my imperfection and Lord I call upon your perfection…


Well if you know the bible, you know the first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine…  Well our human biology tells us we are mostly made up of water…  So my prayer each day is the miracle of my human nature, becoming more like God’s divine nature…


It’s so rewarding to see clients change from the inside out…  When we approach changes in our eating behavior in a holistic way, spirit, mind and body, the change is more dramatic and longer lasting…


If you call upon your human imperfection, it’s like gluing the wings of a butterfly on the caterpillar, and eventually they will fall off…  However if you call upon the supernatural help of God, we are metamorphic ally changed into the butterfly and take off…

I have seen it happen so many times, I’ll be praying it happens for you…

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