Thursday, May 15, 2014

BELIEVE You Can / Expect You WILL / With All Your STRENGTH

BELIEVE You Can / Expect You WILL / With All Your STRENGTH

Yesterday I met with one of my clients named Salvatore who has now lost a miraculous 125 lb…. What is so ironic is Sal’s name means exactly what has happened to him… The name Sal
vatore means savior, and I believe my Savior the Lord used me to save Sal from the imprisonment of being over-weight sentenced to poor health and poor quality of life…

Each time Sal visits me he comes with his sister Nancy a wonderful supporter and sometimes her young son Sergio… During my coaching session I was motivating Sal building his faith and I make this statement, “NOTHING can defeat you”… Well little Sergio shouts out “kryptonite can”… The little superman might be right, but last time I checked the Coach didn’t put any kryptonite in Salvatore’s meals…

Coach’s tip of the day: BELIEVE you can, EXPECT you will, with ALL your STRENGTH and NOTHING can defeat you, not even kryptonite… Coach

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