Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God is Greater Than Your Circumstance

Yesterday someone stopped by the Coach’s office and dropped off a prayer request…  Well if you think the Coach likes working out, there is NOTHING I desire more than to go to our Heavenly Father in prayer…  Last night I began to pray and this morning God woke me up with these words, “Because you have never lost your hope and placed your trust in Me I will restore to you double”…

Well this morning I was honored to pray for this person and the glory of God filled the room and her circumstance which is in two area’s,  (double) was prophetically ministered too…  The floor was filled with anointed tears and I was able to be a witness of God’s grace…

Seven years ago the Coach was diagnosed with no cartilage in my left shoulder…  The MRI showed not worn cartilage, but no cartilage and it was recommended I have a shoulder joint replacement…  Those were the facts, but I believe in the power of the truth in God’s promises…  The picture you see is not from 2007, seven years ago, but seven hours ago…  God knows my passion for working out, but my passion for Him is greater and He has given my left shoulder the ability to perform on a high level with no cartilage…  If you need any proof show up any day between 1-3 pm…

God is greater than your circumstance, no matter what your circumstance…  The truth of God’s word is greater than the facts of your circumstance…  You must never lose your hope, put all your trust in God and believe God will restore back to you double…  Coach 

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