Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The RIGHT Size To Fit YOU

The RIGHT Size To Fit YOU

The most common comment I hear from new clients is, ”Coach I try to eat right, but something is wrong”… What I believe they are really saying is they eat good foods, but they don’t know how to eat them right… Th...
e problem is there are no right foods if you eat them in the wrong amount, and too little is just as wrong as too much… Most who have attempted to lose weight have followed some type of one-size fits all approach… The outcome is always a frustrated dieter trapped in a soft body, tired, hungry and almost impossible to maintain an active exercise lifestyle… There is only one size; the right size that fits you…

My story today is about Kristi, who was so frustrated she was considering having a cosmetic procedure to remove the un-fatted fat… What makes the story so special is the doctor who does the highly desired procedure referred Kristi to me… This well respected physician refers me more patients than he performs the procedure on, because he knows most are in need of a healthy new lifestyle…

I am happy to report Kristi lost 11.2 lb. of fat and her body fat dropped from 33.1% to 26.5% at a body weight of only 126 lb. in only three weeks… Kristi is an avid exercise enthusiast and now has 3 lb. more of lean muscle to show for her efforts… She looks amazing and several of her friends are now on the same healthy journey, because of her success… Coach

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