Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The RIGHT WAY Is Not Slow

The RIGHT WAY Is Not Slow

The quickest way to the desires of your heart is the straight path of doing what is right… Over decades the Coach has been so troubled by the thousands I meet who have been hurt by broken promises of quick fix di...
ets and weight loss solutions… How does someone believe the answer could be you don’t have to change your lifestyle; just take our drink, pill or magical power and your problem will go away? I believe frustration opens the door to desperation… It also leads to feelings doing the right thing will take too long and it will be too much effort…

Well the Coach has spent a large part of my life PROVING those thoughts couldn’t be any further from the truth… Let me prove again today the quicken way to your ideal body composition and ideal health is; right food, right amount and at the right time… America open your eyes the solution is doing what is RIGHT…

My story today is amazing… I met Ioanna just 11 weeks ago and she was hyper-glycemic frustrated exercise enthusiast trapped in an over-weight, over-fat body… Today she looks totally amazing… When she showed up for her visit today, I did not even recognize her… She lost 26.5 lb. of fat, gained 2 lb. of muscle and her hyper-glycemia has been cured; all in just 11 weeks… She has been healed of a condition heading her in the direction of diabetes… Her body fat went from 41% to 27% in only 11 weeks at a body weight of only 127 lb.… This amazing change all came from the shortest route, learn how your body hormonally and metabolically works and create a lifestyle to live within it… I am so blessed to have played my part in Ioanna being healed… Coach


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