Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The TRUTH Never Changes

The TRUTH Never Changes

In my behavior modification coaching one of the Fat Loss Coach’s principles is the truth should override the facts… It is quite common for a former client to return seeking my help; in fact one out of every four ca...
lls I receive is someone I have already helped, so why do they return? I am usually told, “Coach your program is the only program I could make a lifestyle which worked”…

Today is no exception; Rhea returned back for my help and she even brought her old program with her… It is also common no matter how long it has been for the former client to say, “Coach you never change”… The cover of her ten-year program was proof… The same is true about the facts verses the truth; though the fact of our circumstances change the truth our beliefs should not…

The principles behind my nutrition concept are as cutting edge and scientifically as much a breakthrough at managing hormone and metabolic responses as they were 23 years ago when I first discovered them… Many weight loss concepts based on one-dimensional facts have come and gone but the truth of our design remains the same… Coach

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