Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Power Of Encouragement

The Power Of Encouragement
We all need encouragement a coach's pep talk to inspire us to accept our worthiness to achieve whatever challenge we face... Even the Son of God received encouragement as He set out on His journey to save the world...

You could call this the ultimate pep talk of all time because the coach was God... At the river Jordan as Jesus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit a voice from heaven says" This is My beloved Son In whom I Am well pleased... The talk short and sweet, but remember it's coming from the great I Am... The timing of these majestic words came at the start of our Lords life saving journey; before any of the multitude of miracles he performed. ...

We need to be encouraged at the start of each day, each task and along the journey of being everything God intends for us to be...

I encourage all my clients they are equipped for greatness and the destiny of their completed task lives inside them today.... To see the finished work at the start and to speak to those things which be not as though they desire they be...

As we see we have been equipped with the knowledge and guided by the faith with God everything is possible if you believe... As your Coach I encourage all of you to go forth and take possession of all your hear

ts desires for our God is more than worthy to do All that we ask or imagine of Him... Be blessed... Coach

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