Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Two nights ago in my dream I heard these words; "reach for the sky".... As I prayed about it this morning and the Lord showed it had a double meaning... In my dream my hands were raised in victory and the battle was won.....
.. The other meaning is when we raise our hands in surrender during hold up or in many more instances during give up....

Well The Fat Loss Coach spends most of his day encouraging my clients to walk in victory.... We all face trials and when tested we must rise up and never give up....

Today my story is of Terry's amazing victory.... Terri lost 24.1 lbs. of fat and gained 4 lb. of lean muscle and defeated many years of poor eating behavior.... The goals we originally set, which she thought were beyond her reach are well planted in her heart and soon will fully manifest in her body…

Some time back the Lord spoke this prophetic word to me and I think it best fits my story today… The Lord said, “Rise up for I have called you to be a sky-walker… For I have made you to walk with Me on mountains… For I have chosen you to walk upon the water… For I have given you faith without measure… There will be no limit or border for what we will do together… Everyone trust in God and reach for the sky… Coach

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