Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Over the years it's surprising how some resist the change of a healthy new lifestyle because they believe portioning their food is too much work... How could we think carrying excess weight 24 hours per ...day is easier work...

This Is how I met Bill... I had helped Bill's wife several years ago lose a large amount of weight, but Bill kept resisting her desire for him to share in her lifestyle; because he did not want to measure food...

Well I'm happy to report Bill's attitude is much different now that he has lost 51 lb. of fat in only 9 weeks... On his last visit with the Coach I brought in two 25 lb weight and made Bill hold them for just one minute then put them down... His response was he was now willing to measure his food with laser beams if need be, because he was never carrying that 51 lbs. again... Coach


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