Friday, January 11, 2013

Weight Loss No Magic

Weight Loss No Magic


When I woke up today something felt strange…  Go into the bathroom look in mirror, but nothing looks different…  Brush my teeth and check my tongue, but no spots…  Finish my shower and feel for fewer, but no fewer, don’t have the flu…


So as I drive into work, then it comes to me…  It’s the feeling I get in the pit of my stomach this time of year…  So what’s bothering me?  It’s the bombardment of commercials and media coverage promoting this year weight loss magic…


Its everything from the coffee bean diet, to the chocolate cake diet, and then there’s magical substance you sprinkle on doughnuts to make you lose weight…


Well I love a magic show…  I have seen David Copperfield’s  act several times live…  I love when he makes the audience disappear…  But one thing I have NEVER seen him do, is make the FAT from the audience vanish…


So if this year you are hoping magic will make your unwanted fat go away, and stay away, get ready for another year of disappointment… 


So what does work?  The same approach, which has worked year after year…  Learn to live within your hormone and metabolic design, not against it…  Yes, if you want to lose the weight as fat and keep it off, it will require a change in eating behavior…  Yes, its work, but it can produce a magical result… 

Eating the right foods, in proper amounts at least four times per day will have your fat disappearing along with being hungry or tired…  No it’s not magic, but it will sure make your weight worries vanish…


  1. so true, no magic in losing weight. But we human are impatient in nature. Cannot wait to see the result now, and when we see no result in the short time, we're tempted to give up and quit. happen to me all the time :(

  2. Your right... Results do keep us motivated... I teach all my clients to see the finished work at the start... Your spirit and my can picture being at your ideal weight... So 2/3 is at the finish at the start... We don't go by what we see, but by what we believe...
