Wednesday, March 5, 2014



This principle alone will cause your faith to skyrocket, ‘don’t go by what you see”…  It was a busy Monday at the Fat Loss Coach office and the Coach had 22 clients I was seeing that day… My size and exercise schedule requires the Coach to eat 6 meals about every 2.5 hours, so some day getting my meals in between clients can be quite a challenge…  Well it’s toward the end of my day and only a few clients remaining and I was a little behind schedule…  So prior to my appointment with Allen it seemed like I swallowed my fifth meal I ate so fast…  During our appointment I started to get a reflux response right in front of Allen… 

Allen had lost 80 lb. in his first seven months, but over a nine-week stretch he became to comfortable with his success and some old behavior resurfaced…   My commitment to help caused me to reach for my pale in my office during my reflux attack and continued to counsel him…  I felt so bad about my condition during the meeting I appoloigized and told him I would not charge him for the session…

Well after Allen left I offered up a prayer to God to intervein and speak to Allen’s heart to be more committed…  I believe God always answers prayer, but my session with Allen looked like just the opposite would happen…

I am so happy to report at Allen’s next session He lost an amazing 12 lb., which now brought his total weight loss to 92 lb., but more importantly showed Allen his behavior and not his metabolism was the cause of his stall in progress…

The best part was when Allen told me after the reflux session with me he sat in his car and said, “Coach is so committed to helping me he counseled me even during his attack, I need to be more committed”…  I big smile came to my face knowing it was an answer to my prayer…  God is ALWAYS faithful to answer our prayer, don’t go by what you see, put your trust in God…

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