Friday, March 7, 2014


The Garden Of Healthy Weight Loss

Growing up in a large city Worcester, MA I never would have dreamed one of The Fat Loss Coach’s major principles of success in losing weight and keeping it off would sound so agricultural…  A principle so simple, but so powerful in fact it works every time, because there is both spiritual and natural laws that govern it…  The principle is the “seed” must reproduce of like kind…  An example plant a wheat seed and it will reproduce wheat…  We have all heard the phase you reap what you sow… 

If this is the year you reach your ideal weight and desired body composition it starts by sowing the right seed…  To manage both your hormone and metabolic responses to the foods you eat learn to plant the seeds of right foods, right amounts and at scheduled times…  Each persons garden is unique to them based on percentage of body fat, activity level, exercise schedule and of coarse food likes and dislikes…  You will now reap a harvest of muscles being well fed and unwanted body fat being shed, along with long list of health benefits and improvement in well-being…

Every good gardener knows the garden must be watered with a committed heart, willing desire and physical discipline…  We also must being willing to weed the garden from old behavior or bad habits returning, the “weed must not eat our seed”…

I’m happy to report another healthy garden and gardener guided by the Fat Loss Coach…  Joe has lost 30lb. of fat in just 12 short weeks…  His body fat percentage dropped from 37% all the way down to 26%, while gaining an impressive 10 lb. of lean muscle…  Is it time to plant your garden of success or maybe some weeding is need?  Put to work the principle of the “seed” of right effort will produce for you the harvest of desired results, just ask Joe…   Coach

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