Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Most of you know today is Fat Tuesday so who better to comment on it than the guy you all know as The Fat Loss Coach…  Fat Tuesday has a very long history with Catholic religious roots going back more than 800 years…  It is also called Mardi Gras which Latin meaning is “farewell to the flesh”…  It’s a day of celebration one day before Catholic’s will make their 40-day pilgrimage of denying themselves certain foods mostly meats or highly desired behaviors as an offering to God which start on Ash Wednesday and is observed for 40 days called lent…  Its a period were tradition tells its followers not to be guided by their flesh, but by their faith…

I share this history lesson not to comment on its tradition, but to raise it to even a higher understanding posing this question…  Should we be guided by our faith or beliefs instead of our flesh every day?

Over decades The Fat Loss Coach has witnessed thousands of clients say “farewell to unwanted fat” and many weight related health disorders by developing beliefs in a healthy lean and fit lifestyle which are practiced every day; a lifestyle which brings stability and balance to their spirit, mind and body…

The Coach today wants to celebrate this day by introducing you to Donna and Scott who have said farewell to an amazing 44.2 lb. of fat in only six weeks…  This committed couples body fat percentages have dropped 17 percentage points Scott (37%-27%) and Donna (40%-33%) and surpassed a 12 week goal in only 6 weeks…  Their story becomes even more special, because their lean weight increased by 10 lb. of lean muscle…  No more saying farewell to muscle for this couple while losing weight…

So lets start a new tradition where every day the behavior which leads to being over-weight and poor health is offered up to God…  If you think no spiritual basis for the Coach’s suggestion; well check out Leviticus 3:16 in the bible…  The fat belongs to The Lord…  Coach

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