Friday, March 7, 2014



As you read this story picture yourself on a journey, and I am your tour guide… I will bring you on a pathway of knowledge, which breaks away from conventional wisdom, and shed light on a new to reach your destination; your ideal weight… Before we leave you will have to unpack your bag of failed weight loss concepts and diets… Our trip will bring a fresh arousal to your spirit and challenge your mind to see weight loss in a healthy, but completely new way…

On our journey, many times I will ask you to stop and see beyond the logic of your intellect, for your common sense is a poor guide… We will discover together hidden truths, which go deeper than nutritional facts and science alone would get us off coarse… At times I will have to guide you through a fog of misleading, media driven information, but you can relax; I have guided this tour thousands of times before…

Our 12-week journey will empower you for a lifetime of results… Each tour must be individually experienced no one can travel in the success of someone else… We only move forward in our journey to our goal when we keep our feet on the path of right foods, proper amounts and timed correctly… Our trip will ignite your metabolism and redirect your spirit… When we finish your tour you will never want to leave…

I am so happy to report the results of the 12-week tour Stephanie and The Fat Loss Coach completed… In 12 short weeks Stephanie body fat went from 32% to 20%, losing 20 lb. of fat, while gaining 4 lb. of muscle… She reached her ideal body fat, but something amazing happened on her journey… She learned her journey had no end and this was just the beginning to her life long travel of being the BEST she can be… Are you ready to be guided to your IDEAL BODY, it will change your life just ask Stephanie… Coach

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