Thursday, March 6, 2014



Today was such a special day for the Fat Loss Coach…  I had been contacted on Wednesday and asked to see me right away on Friday…  Well I had no appointments open, but the voice on the inside said, “Coach do it during your break time”…  So I booked the appointment and they said they were bringing a friend…

At the appointment Dominic the friend says, “Coach I have already worked with you”…  The change in Dominic was so dramatic I did not recognize him…  I had worked with Dominic in 2009 and he weighed 275 lb. and his body fat was 46%…  Well today Dominic is 197 lb. at 24% body fat…  Halfway through the meeting as I was giving my presentation it hit me, I remembered Dominic and asked “you’re the man with the injured leg”? 

Dominic responded, “Coach I had given up on life because of my injury”…  Your coaching gave me back my life…  Those of you who know the story of my injured leg can imagine how rewarding it is to help someone who’s circumstance is trying to make them give up or give in…  No matter what you face never give up hope, because your victory is on its way, just ask Dominic…  Coach

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