Friday, March 7, 2014


Walk In The Light To Your Ideal Body

Some of the smallest lessons in The Fat Loss Coach’s life and the lives of his client have made some of the biggest changes…  I am going to share today a lesson so simple, but so powerful if you put it to practice will guarantee change in your life… 

The lesson is light or dark do not occur in the same place at the same time…  Coach, how does this have anything to do with getting to my ideal body? Everything because the same is true with right or wrong and positive or negative do not occur at the same time in your journey to your ideal body… 

A client several weeks ago had been doing excellent for nine weeks following her new lifestyle and her results were truly amazing, but on this visit it was like I was talking to a different person, everything coming out of her mouth was negative and her results had changed…  As she was taking I stood up and turned off the lights and sat down and we both sat in the dark for about one minute…  I guess she did not know what I was about to do, but she stopped talking…  Then I stood up turned back on the lights and the flow of positive, uplifting and prophetic words started flowing out of my mouth like a dam had been broken and the waters could not be held back…  The atmosphere of the room totally changed, and I said to her light or dark couldn’t be in the same room at the same time, one has to leave…  The same is true with right or wrong they cannot guide you at the same time, one has to leave…  Well she got the message and her visit this week was outstanding…

This is how I meet most individuals who struggle they are walking in the darkness of poor understanding and history of repeated failure…  However once they learn to walk in the light or knowledge of their body chemistry and light of right foods, right amounts and right timing years of wasted effort is dramatically changed in weeks of walking in the light…

Today I want to report an amazing story of walking in the light…  Her name is Carrie a professional fitness instructor, who when we met was exercising 10 hours weekly, but very unhappy weighing 138 lb. at 30% body fat…  Well in just 4 short weeks Carrie’s weight went to 128lb. and body fat dropped all the way to 20.9%…  She lost 14.4 lb. of fat while gaining 4.4 lb. of muscle… Her amazing transformation took place in only four weeks and it wiped out years of failed efforts…  Results keep you motivated and I think Carrie soared out of my office today…  How about you, is it time you walked in the light?  You life will never be the same, just ask Carrie…  Coach

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